古関潤一教授の最終講義が東京大学弥生ホールにおいて行われました!最終講義のタイトルは「地盤材料の変形強度特性と土構造物の地震時挙動 東京大学での研究経緯と残っている課題」でした。先生が長年取り組まれた研究テーマを10個の話題に分け、研究で得られた知見と今後の課題について、1時間で非常に分かりやすく講義をされました。多くの方からお祝いの言葉や記念品が贈られ、本当に感動的な最終講義となりました!! Professor Junichi Koseki gave his final lecture at the University of Tokyo on March 6th (Yayoi auditorium)! The title of his final lecture was “Deformation and Strength Characteristics of Geomaterials and Seismic Behavior of Soil Structures” with the subtitle “Research History and Remaining Issues at the University of Tokyo”. Professor Koseki has worked on a various research topics over the years in UTokyo, so he categorized the research topics into 10 sub-topics, and gave a very clear lecture in one hour, summarizing the findings/knowledge obtained through his research activities and the remaining research topics to be clarified in the future (very difficult but challenging topics). It was a truly inspiring final lecture!