また,学部4年 田島直樹さんが卒業論文(多層リングせん断試験による北海道厚真町の火山灰土に生じた地震時大変形の考察)にて社会基盤学科の優れた卒業論文に授与される田邊賞を受賞しました.

The 2020 Spring Semester Commencement Ceremony and Diploma Presentation Ceremony were held on 18th and 19the March. From our laboratory, Yuichi Tomita received a doctoral degree, Wataru Arana, Yusuke Matsui, and Kohei Yoda received a master’s degree, and Yuto Kimura, Naoki Tajima and Yasuhiro Muto received a bachelor’s degree. In addition, Naoki Tajima received the Tanabe Award, the excellent Bachelor thesis award on his thesis “Analysis of large deformation characteristics of volcanic soil during earthquake in Atsuma-town, Hokkaido with multiple-ring shear tests”.
