Doctoral Thesis
Characterizing pullout stiffness of geogrid considering the interaction with soil (土との相互作用を考慮したジオグリッドの引抜剛性に関する検討)2024.3 (Poster)
Kameri Charan
Liquefaction and re-liquefaction characteristics of granular material: Experimental and DEM studies (粒状体の液状化および再液状化特性: 実験およびDEMによる研究)2024.9 (Poster)
Rawiwan Sukhumkitcharoen
Master Thesis
締固め砂杭工法における中詰め材料の違いが周辺地盤の液状化特性に与える影響 (Influence of sand pile material in SCP method on liquefaction characteristics of the surrounding ground) 2024.3 (Poster)
出水時の細粒分吸出し現象と局所洗掘現象が河川橋脚の遅れ変位に及ぼす影響 (Influence of suffusion and local scour caused by river flood on delayed displacement of bridge piers) 2024.3 (Poster)
室内実験における膨張性泥岩の乾湿繰返し挙動の再現と損傷進展を考慮した泥岩力学モデルの開発 (Reproduction of cyclic wet and dry behavior of expansive mudstone in laboratory test and development of mechanical model considering damage progression) 2024.3 (Poster)
Low-Grade Soil Materials with Non-Plastic Fines as an Alternative Geomaterial for Embankment Structures (盛土建設の代替材料としての非塑性細粒分を含む低級盛土材料の活用) 2024.9
Maria Demi Faye Quinto ROSAL
Evaluating Critical State Line of Volcanic Ash Soil by Stacked-ring Shear Apparatus (多層リングせん断試験機による火山灰土の限界状態線の評価) 2024.9
Thiri Thwe Phyu
Bachelor Thesis
砂の液状化強度に及ぼす応力履歴と非塑性細粒分の影響 -個別要素法による微視的考察- (Effect of anisotropic stress history on liquefaction resistance of sand with non-plastic fines: microscopic analysis using Discrete Element Method (DEM)) 2024.3 (Poster)
橋脚の3次元形状が基礎周辺の局所洗掘の進行過程に及ぼす影響 (Influence of 3D shape of piers on progress of local scour around the foundation) 2024.3 (Poster)
液状化地盤における杭基礎の応答評価による格子状地盤改良体との動的相互作用に関する検討 (The Response of Pile Foundation on Liquefiable Ground and its Dynamic Interaction with Lattice Wall Ground Improvement) 2024.3 (Poster)
Doctoral Thesis
Effective compaction method for utilizing low-grade material with non-plastic fines for railway embankment(非塑性細粒分を含む低級盛土材料の鉄道盛土への有効活用のための効果的な締固め管理方法)2023.3 (poster)
Chowdepalli Bhargavi
過剰間隙水圧の発生と消散に係る簡易モデルによる液状化判定法 2023.3
Use of press-in piling data for estimating subsurface information and pile performance (圧入施工データを利用した地盤情報と杭性能の推定) 2023.3
斜め自立土留め設計法に関する研究 2023.3
締固め砂杭工法の施工過程が周辺地盤に及ぼす改良効果 2023.3
Master Thesis
中規模出水時に生じる局所洗掘が河川橋梁基礎の不安定化に及ぼす影響(Influence of local scour on destabilization of river bridge foundation during middle flooding)2023.3 (poster)
竹崎 奏詠(Souei Takezaki)
AE技術を用いた火山灰土における粒子破砕及び変形特性の継続的計測手法の確立 (Establishment of a continuous measurement method using AE technology for particle crushing and deformation properties of volcanic soils)2023.3 (poster)
田島 直樹 (Naoki Tajima)
膨潤性土の陽イオン交換と変形特性への影響のモデル化(Modeling of cation exchange and its influence on mechanical properties of expansive soils)2023.3
武藤 康博(Yasuhiro Muto)
Liquefaction behavior in cyclic bi-axial tests on assembly of metal rods under constant-volume conduction with/without pre-shear history(金属棒積層体の定体積繰返し二軸試験における液状化挙動に及ぼす事前せん断履歴の有無の影響)2023.3
Deyu Zou
Prediction of residual strength of soil at super large strain level using the stacked-ring shear apparatus(多層リングせん断試験機による超大ひずみ領域における土の残留強度の予測)2023.9
ISLAM Md Ariful (poster)
Bachelor Thesis
締固め砂杭の液状化特性に関する研究, 2023.3 (poster)
仮屋直紀 (Naoki Kariya)
地盤の液状化による地下構造物の浮き上がり挙動に及ぼす構造物の比重の影響, 2023.3 (poster)
川村一馬 (Kazuma Kawamura)
洗掘対策ブロックの形状と河床材料の違いが河川橋脚基礎の不安定化プロセスに及ぼす影響, 2023.3 (poster)
小池潤平 (Junpei Koike)
内部侵食を受けた砂質土の繰返し変形特性と剛性の変化に関する研究, 2023.3 (poster)
西永侑生 (Yuki Nishinaga)
黄鉄鉱混じり泥岩の酸化特性に関する基礎的研究, 2023.3 (poster)
土方渉太郎 (Shotaro Hijikata)
Doctoral Thesis
遮水性盛土の品質管理の合理化・高度化に関する研究 2023.3
Master Thesis
Effects of Fines Content on Uplift Behavior of Underground Structures in Liquefied Ground (液状化地盤中の地下構造物の浮上がり挙動に及ぼす地盤の細粒分含有率の影響), 2022.9 (poster) (video of shaking table test)
Santoso Fernaldy Sebastian
ジオシンセティックス補強土擁壁の鉛直繰り返し載荷に対する変形特性に関する研究(Effect of Reinforcement & Wall Conditions on Deformation Characteristics of Geosynthetic Reinforced Soil Structures)2022.3 (poster)
宇高 亘(Wataru Utaka)
一般応力下における地盤材料の粘塑性特性のモデル化とReturn-mapping法に基づく陰的数値解法の開発(Modeling of viscoplastic characteristics of geomaterials under general stress condition and development of the implicit return-mapping schem)2022.3 (poster)
奥田 喬一(Kyoichi Okuda)
液状化地盤および杭基礎の動的挙動に及ぼす格子状地盤改良工法の効果検証(The Effect of In-situ Cement-mixing Lattice wall on the Dynamic Behavior of Liquefiable Ground and Pile Foundation) 2022.3 (poster)
仁ノ平 直樹(Naoki Ninohira)
Bachelor Thesis
細粒分吸出し後の砂質土における繰返し変形特性を規定する要因の検討(The examination of influencing factors on the deformation properties in cyclic loading of the suffused soil), 2022.3 (poster)
西尾典紘 (Yoshihiro Nishio)
火山灰質土の強度・変形特性に及ぼす粒子破砕の影響 (Effect of particle crushing on strength and deformation characteristics of volcanic ash soil), 2022.3
田中理久 (Riku Tanaka)
締固め砂杭の液状化特性に及ぼす施工時応力履歴の影響(Influence of Stress History during SCP Construction on Liquefaction Resistance of Sand Piles), 2022.3
橋本拓幸 (Hiroyuki Hashimoto)
人工膨張性泥岩の作製と乾湿繰返しの影響の検討(Production of artificial expansive mudrock and investigation of influence of drying-wetting cycle), 2022.3
平山皓介 (Kosuke Hirayama)
Doctoral Thesis
Experimental study on acoustic emission of granular materials under triaxial compression(三軸圧縮条件下における粒状材料のアコースティックエミッションに関する実験的研究)2021.7 (Poster)
Li Xianfeng
現場と室内で締め固めた砂質土供試体の非一様性の評価と強度変形特性への影響 2021.3
冨田 佑一
Master Thesis
Evaluation of Suffusion Potential for Different gap-Graded soil Compositions and the Possibility of Delayed Scour, 2021.9 (poster)
Naqi Ali
河川の増水・出水による基礎地盤の局所洗掘現象が橋脚の固有振動数に及ぼす影響(Influence of local scouring phenomenon around the base ground caused by river flood on the resonance frequency of the pier)2021.3 (poster)
新名 航(Wataru Arana)
FEMによる膨潤性粘土の力学-水理-化学連成解析(Mechano-hydro-chemical coupling analysis of swelling clay by finite element method)2021.3(poster)
依田 光平(Kohei Yoda)
一回の非排水繰り返し三軸試験のみで液状化強度曲線を推定する新手法の開発(Development of a new method to estimate liquefaction resistance curve based only on single undrained cyclic triaxial test)2021.3
松井 悠亮(Yusuke Matsui)
Bachelor Thesis
締固め砂杭工法の施工過程が周辺地盤の液状化特性に及ぼす影響(The effect of SCP construction process on the liquefaction resistance of the surrounding ground)2021.3 (poster)
木村 祐斗(Yuto Kimura)
多層リングせん断試験による北海道厚真町の火山灰土に生じた地震時大変形の考察(Analysis of large deformation characteristics of volcanic soil during earthquakes in Atsuma-town, Hokkaido with multiple-ring shear tests)2021.3 (poster)
田島 直樹(Naoki Tajima)
膨潤性粘土の変形特性に及ぼすイオン濃度・種類の影響(Influences of concentration and type of cations on the deformation characteristic of expansive soil)2021.3 (poster)
武藤 康博(Yasuhiro Muto)
Doctoral Thesis
Liquefaction characteristics of dense sand specimens with pre-shear histories in torsional shear tests(せん断履歴のある密な砂供試体のねじりせん断試験における液状化特性)2020.9
Weichen LIU
Master Thesis
Shaking table test on the seismic performance of bridge abutments with EPS and soil reinforcement in the backfill 2020.9 (poster)
Sheng Lian
Shaking table tests on dynamic behavior of liquefiable ground and pile foundation reinforced by in-situ cement-mixing lattice wall 2020.9 (poster)
Wang Tengfei
Investigation of optimum state for strength of cement-mixed sand 2020.9 (poster)
Pham Anh Tuan
Effective compaction method for utilizing low quality banking material for railway embankment 2020.9 (poster)
Akshay Singh Rathore
膨潤性粘土の浸透圧密現象の解明(Elucidation of the osmotic consolidation phenomena of expansive clays)2020.3
平賀 美沙(Misa Hiraga)
Bachelor Thesis
Doctoral Thesis
Experimental Study on Loading Rate Dependent Mechanical Behavior of Artificially Bounded Geomaterials(人工的に固結させた地盤材料の載荷速度依存性を有する力学挙動に関する実験的研究)2019.9 (poster)
Zain Maqsood
粕谷 悠紀(Yuki Kasuya)
中空ねじり試験と多層リング試験における複数回液状化特性のエネルギー的観点に基づく分析(Analysis of multiple-liquefaction characteristics in torsional shear and stacked ring shear tests based on energy concept)2019.3
青柳 悠大
Characterization of Liquefaction and Seepage Properties under Different Saturation Conditions of Bauxite During Maritime Transport(船積みボーキサイトの異なる飽和条件下における液状化特性と透水特性の評価)2019.3 (poster)
Tan Tian Jaylord
Master Thesis
Model Tests on Influences of Defects on Response Characteristics of Bridge Abutments and Their Backfill Soils(橋台と裏込め土の応答特性に欠陥が及ぼす影響に関する模型実験)2019.9 (poster)
Kebba Trawally
Time Effects on Strength and Deformation Characteristics of Gypsum Mixed Clay(石膏混合粘土の時間依存強度変形特性)2019.9 (poster)
Masum Shaikh
Zafar Avzalshoev
二軸圧縮試験及び三次元DEMによる繰返しせん断履歴を受けた砂の微視的考察(Micromechanical investigation of cyclic presheared sand by biaxial compression tests and 3D-DEM simulations)2019.3 (poster)
森本 時生(Tokio Morimoto)
EPSとジオグリッドで耐震補強した橋台・橋桁モデルの振動台実験(Shaking table tests on abutment and bridge girder model with backfill embankment using EPS and soil reinforcements)2019.3
川崎 広樹(Hiroki Kawasaki)
Bachelor Thesis
Doctoral Thesis
Use of Acoustic Emission to Evaluate Microscopic Mechanical Behavior of Sand in Triaxial Compression Tests(砂の三軸圧縮試験における微視的力学挙動評価のためのAE計測の活用)2018.9 (poster)
Lin Wenli
Prediction for shallow landslides based on time history of tilting of slope surface(斜面表層の傾斜の経時変化に基づく浅層すべりの予測)2018.9
Jiren Xie
Master Thesis
Flow Failure of Saturated Bauxite Under Undrained Monotonic Loading(飽和したボーキサイトの非排水単調載荷条件下での流動破壊)2018.9 (poster)
Brahian Hugo Roman Cabrera
Effect of Repeated Liquefaction History on Structural Performance under Large Seismic Action(大地震作用下における構造物の性能に及ぼす繰り返し液状化履歴の影響)2018.9 (poster)
Elise Baboz
Time effect on Mechanical Behavior and Micro-Structure of Gypsum-Mixed Geomaterials(石膏混合地盤材料の力学挙動と微視構造に及ぼす時間効果の影響)2018.9
Ahsan Md Kamrul
砂地盤への杭貫入に伴い発生する微視的現象観察へのAEトモグラフィ法の適用に関する模型実験(Model tests on application of AE Tomography method to observe microscopic phenomena during pile penetration in sand)2018.3
濱口 隼人(Hayato Hamaguchi)
多重せん断土槽を用いた斜面表層崩壊の予兆現象の解明 2018.3
神保 慧(Satoshi Jimbo)
EPSとジオグリッドを用いた道路橋台の耐震対策に関する模型振動台実験(Shaking table tests on aseismic countermeasures of bridge abutments by using EPS and geogrid)2018.3
山崎 佑太朗(Yutaro Yamazaki)
Bachelor Thesis
阿蘇軽石の大変形特性とそれに基づいた地震 起因地すべり の分析 2018.3
塩澤 寅樹(Tomoki Shiozawa)
膨潤性粘土の体積変化特性と間隙溶液イオン濃度の関係 2018.3
平賀 美沙(Misa Hiraga)
Doctoral Thesis
Direct and Indirect Local Deformation Measurements of Sand Specimen in Undrained Cyclic Triaxial and Torsional Shear Tests(非排水繰返し三軸・ねじりせん断試験における砂供試体の局所変形挙動の直接・間接的計測)2017.9
Zhao Chuang
Comparison of Sand Behavior under Repeated Liquefaction in Triaxial and Shaking Table Tests(三軸試験と振動台実験における砂の複数回液状化挙動の比較)2017.9
Jirat Teparaksa
Master Thesis
Behavior of Gypsum Mixed Sand under Unconfined Monotonic & Cyclic Loading Conditions(一軸単調・繰返し載荷時の石膏混合砂の挙動)2017.9
Zain Maqsood
Mechanical Characteristics of Cement-mixed Sand in Triaxial Compression Tests(三軸圧縮試験におけるセメント混合砂の⼒学的特性)2017.9
Nguyen Tien Le
Study of Pre-shake Effects on Liquefaction & Reliquefaction Resistance of Sandy Soils in Shake Table(振動台での事前加振が砂質土の液状化・再液状化強度に及ぼす影響に関する研究)2017.9
Muhammad SHAHID Iqbal
Bachelor Thesis
AE法による杭直下地盤での粒子破砕計測手法とリサイクルガラス砂の特性 2017.3
谷水 練(Kitau Tanimizu)
斜面表層崩壊過程の変位速度と残留時間との関係性を規定する要因の考察 2017.3
大原 勇(Yu Ohara)
砂の複数回液状化特性に及ぼす初期せん断と再圧密条件の影響 2017.3
森本 時生(Tokio Morimoto)
Doctoral Thesis
Experimental study on acoustic emissions during pile penetration in sand(砂地盤への杭貫入に伴うAE特性に関する模型実験)2016.9
MAO Wuwei
宮下 千花(Yukika Miyashita)
Master Thesis
Effects of different liquefaction histories on multiple-liquefaction characteristics of sand
Yudai Aoyagi
1-g Shaking Table Test and Its Numerical Simulation on Rocking Phenomenon of Shallow Foundation
Catherine W. Kariuki
Liquefaction Tests using Modified Triaxial Apparatus on Sands under Different Saturation Conditions and Their Permeability Evaluation using Local Measurement
Tan Tian, Jayload
Shaking table tests on embankment liquefaction focused on arching effect as induced by consolidation of ground
Junichiro Nakamura
Benlatif Ahmed
Experimental research on the influence of effective confining pressure during generation of the artificial rocks on their strength and weathering
Yuki Hamada
A Study on Liquefied Sand Flowing in Pipeline
Kuch Vuthy Samreth
Bachelor Thesis
鉛直荷重を受ける杭基礎直下地盤における粒子破砕特性 2016.3
濱口 隼人(Hayato Hamaguchi)
斜面表層崩壊の予兆発現に関する雨水浸透とせん断変形の模型実験 2016.3
神保 慧(Satoshi Jimbo)
Doctoral Thesis
Experimental Study on Undrained Cyclic Behavior of Sands Containing Non-Plastic Fines Under Different Stress Conditions
Naved Ahmed
Master Thesis
Laboratory tests on deterioration in stability soft-rock slopes as induced by seismic loading
Keigo Gunji
Investigation on slope of weathering and variation in the rock properties due to Reproduced laboratory weathering cycles
Ali Muhammad
Multi-points monitoring with cheaper and simpler sensor unit
Ippei Eto
1-G Shaking Model Tests on Mitigation of Liquefaction-Induced Ground Flow by Irregular Configuration of Embedded Columns
Tan Sunshine Petal Veloso
Bachelor Thesis
田中 宏治
萩野 知
Doctoral Thesis
Undrained behavior of sand with non-plastic silt and its application to ground deformation analysis
Yolanda Alberto Hernandez
Yu Fangwei
Exprimantal Study on Mitigation of Liquefaction-induced Settlement of Structures with Shallow Foundations
Rouzbeh Rasouli
Elastic wave propagation through unsaturated soils concerning early warning of rain-induced landslides
Irfan Muhammad
Master Thesis
1-G Shaking Model Tests on Mitigation of Liquefaction-Induced Ground Flow by Irregular Configuration of Embedded Columns
Tan Sunshine Petal Veloso
Experimental validation of relationship between particle movement and aging effect in liquefaction resistance of sand
Yuki Shintaku
Measurement for thickness of slope surface layer by elastic wave refraction method with subsurface impact points
Akihisa Shimizu
Shear Deformation of Unsaturated Soil in Slope under Constant Stresses and Wetting/Drying Conditions
Ghani Masrur Abdul Hamido
Bachelor Thesis
濱田 悠貴
山川 剛
Doctoral Thesis
Laboratory reproduction and microscopic observation of mechanical weathering process of soft rock
Nong Xuefeng
Master Thesis
1-g shake table tests on mitigation of liquefaction-induced damage to embedded pipelines
Masahide Otsubo
Experimental Reproduction of Mechanical Weathering Induced in Rocks
Gyawali Keshab
Model tests on Resistance of Press-in Pile in Multilayred Ground
Hirotoshi Makabe
Bachelor Thesis
郡司 圭悟
志村 雅仁