Assoc. Prof. Kenji Watanabe and Dr. Christophe Chevalier (Gustave-Eiffel Univ., France) organized “2020 Online seminar on Scour and Erosion”. Many researchers and engineers from Japan (UTokyo, Railway Technical Research Institute) and France (Gustave-Eiffel Univ., SNCF, Cerema) joined this seminar.UTokyo, Gustave-Eiffel Univ.(formely IFSTTAR) and RTRI regularly hold French-Japanese workshops on Scour and Erosion, once a year in Paris or in Tokyo. This year, we gave up holding such face-to-face workshops, and tried to do it online. Online seminars are useful and convenient, but all participants feel it is better to meet in real, in order to promote mutual understanding.
- Study about field observation in river (F. Larrarte)
- Heavyrain disaster on railway bridges in 2019 & 2020 (Takumi Ozaki)
- Assessment and Prediction the risk caused by scour and other hydraulic actions for historical railway structures using Machine Learning Algorithmsg (T. Wang)
- Vibration-based scour detection (M. Belmokthar)
- The effect of scouring process around the model pier foundation on resonance frequency and subsoil reaction force (Wataru Arana)
- Current score table in France (E. Durand)
- Report on the progressof our river disaster research and erosion experiments using a revetment model (Tsuyoshi Takayanagi)