論文賞(和文部門):並川 賢治・松本 正士・古関 潤一

論文賞(英文部門):渡邉 健治,中島 進,藤井 公博,松浦 光佑,工藤 敦弘,野中 隆博,青柳 悠大
タイトル:Development of geosynthetic-reinforced soil embankment resistant to severe earthquakes and prolonged overflows due to tsunamis

Prof. Junichi Koseki received the best paper award of the Japanese Geotechnical Society. The title is “Ground deformation and three-dimensional simulation during sequential excavation of unsupported tunnel in a sedimentary soft rock“.
Assoc Prof. Kenji Watanabe received and Dr. Yudai Aoyagi received the best paper award of the Japanese Geotechnical Society. The title is “Development of geosynthetic-reinforced soil embankment resistant to severe earthquakes and prolonged overflows due to tsunamis“.
