We had graduation ceremonies on 21 (for Masters and Doctors) and 22 March (for undergrads). The following members have obtained their degrees and graduated from our lab. Nishio san received Furuichi award for his excellent Master Thesis. We also held a graduation celebration party on 19 March. Congratulations for those who graduated and best wishes!
Doctoral thesis
Characterizing pullout stiffness of geogrid considering the interaction with soil (土との相互作用を考慮したジオグリッドの引抜剛性に関する検討)2024.3
Kameri Charan
Master thesis
締固め砂杭工法における中詰め材料の違いが周辺地盤の液状化特性に与える影響 (Influence of sand pile material in SCP method on liquefaction characteristics of the surrounding ground) 2024.3
出水時の細粒分吸出し現象と局所洗掘現象が河川橋脚の遅れ変位に及ぼす影響 (Influence of suffusion and local scour caused by river flood on delayed displacement of bridge piers) 2024.3
室内実験における膨張性泥岩の乾湿繰返し挙動の再現と損傷進展を考慮した泥岩力学モデルの開発 (Reproduction of cyclic wet and dry behavior of expansive mudstone in laboratory test and development of mechanical model considering damage progression) 2024.3
Bachelor thesis
砂の液状化強度に及ぼす応力履歴と非塑性細粒分の影響 -個別要素法による微視的考察- (Effect of anisotropic stress history on liquefaction resistance of sand with non-plastic fines: microscopic analysis using Discrete Element Method (DEM)) 2024.3
橋脚の3次元形状が基礎周辺の局所洗掘の進行過程に及ぼす影響 (Influence of 3D shape of piers on progress of local scour around the foundation) 2024.3
液状化地盤における杭基礎の応答評価による格子状地盤改良体との動的相互作用に関する検討 (The Response of Pile Foundation on Liquefiable Ground and its Dynamic Interaction with Lattice Wall Ground Improvement) 2024.3