Introduction / 序論
Bauxite Ore is storage in heaps and transported overseas for its refinery using vessels. There have been many cases of failures of Bauxite Ore Heaps due to liquefaction leading to vessel capsizing.
ボーキサイト鉱石(Bauxite Ore)は輸送船の上に積み重ねられた状態で海を越えて精錬所に輸送される。そうした中、ボーキサイト鉱石の塊が液状化することにより船が転覆する事例が数多く報告されている。
Flow Failure Susceptibility Based on Steady State Approach / 定常状態の概念に基づく流動破壊の危険性
The susceptibility to Flow Failure can be evaluated by using the Steady State Line (SSL) obtained from undrained monotonic tests. Currently, there is a gap in data on the undrained monotonic behavior of Bauxite.
Susceptibility of Bauxite Ore Heaps / ボーキサイトの塊の危険性
Bauxite heaps of 10m height are susceptible to Flow Failure within ranges of 1.172-1.320 of void ratio.