Introduction / はじめに

Multiple-liquefaction phenomenon gained much attention after the 2010/2011 Canterbury earthquakes in New Zealand.
To understand multiple-liquefaction properties, several series of multiple-liquefaction tests were conducted using “Stacked-ring shear apparatus”. The test results are summarized in terms of the change in the number of cycles to cause γDA=2.0 %.

2010/2011年にニュージランドで発生したクライストチャーチ地震や東北地方太平洋沖地震では,同一箇所で3回以上の連続した“複数回液状化現象”が各地で確認された.3回以上の液状化履歴を受けた豊浦砂の挙動の把握を目的として,これまで「多層リングせん断試験装置」を用いた一連の“複数回液状化試験”を実施してきた.図には,両振幅せん断ひずみ γDA= 2.0%に至るまでの繰返し回数(液状化強度)の変化を示してある.

Fig.1 Outline of stacked-ring shear apparatus

Fig2. Experimental procedure

Fig3. Multiple liquefaction tests result

Methodology of Dissipated Energy Analysis / エネルギーを用いた分析手法

In order to reveal the effects of multiple strain histories on the behavior of re-liquefied Toyoura sand, analysis was conducted by using the dissipated energy ΣΔW that has been normalized by the current effective mean principal stress p’. It is noted that stress ratio τavg./p’ and shear strain γ  relationship were modified by introducing correction method (Δτ and Δp’) under low confining stress state (around the origin of effective stress path). The normalized dissipated energy ΣΔW/p’ was defined as the hysteresis area of the ratio of modified shear stress (τavg.Δτ)/(p’p’) and shear strain γ relationship.

様々な液状化履歴を受けた豊浦砂の再液状化挙動を詳細に検討するために,現在の平均有効応力p’で正規化した消散エネルギーΣΔW を用いた分析を実施してきた.正規化消散エネルギーΣΔW/p’を算出する際に用いた応力比-ひずみ関係((τavg.Δτ)/(p’p’) –γ)は,有効応力経路における原点付近(低拘束圧状態)の補正量(ΔτΔp’)を考慮したものを用いている.

Fig.4 Re-liquefaction effective stress path

Fig.5 Ratio of modified shear stress and shear strain

Fig.6 Relationships between normalized dissipated energy and accumulated strain

Normalized Dissipated Energy Analysis Results / 正規化消散エネルギーを用いた分析結果

The normalized dissipated energy ΣΔW/p’ was separated into two types components: one with positive impact ΣΔW(+)/p’  to dissipate before reaching “Phase Transformation Line (PTL)” (the state (1)) and the other negative impact ΣΔW(-) /p’  to dissipate after passing PTL. The combination of (ΣΔW(+) /p’ )i and (ΣΔW(+) /p’ )i in the current liquefaction stage affect uniquely the liquefaction behavior (N γDA=2.0 %)i+1 in the next liquefaction stage.

補正した応力比-ひずみ関係の履歴ループより算出した正規化消散エネルギーを,変相線(図中の点①に対応)に到達する以前のエネルギー分“正の効果ΣΔW(+)/p’ ”と,変相線に到達後のエネルギー分“負の効果ΣΔW(-) /p’ ”の2種類に分けて分析を行った.既往の研究より,正の効果(負の効果)のエネルギー分が大きいほど,次の液状化段階における強度が増加(減少)することがわかっている.分析の結果,現在の液状化段階における“正負の効果”の組合せ(ΣΔW(+) /p’ )iと(ΣΔW(+) /p’ )i は,次の液状化段階における液状化強度(再液状化強度; (N γDA=2.0 %)i+1)と良好な相関関係があることがわかった.

Fig.7 Relationships among normalized positive and negative impacts and the number of cycles in the next liquefaction

More Details...

1)Seto Wahyudi, Junichi Koseki. “Analysis of re-liquefaction properties on energy approach”, Bulletin of Earthquake Resistant Structure Research Center (ERS), Institute of Industrial Science, the University of Tokyo, No.48, pp.51-61, 2015.

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11)Yudai Aoyagi and Takeshi Sato “Energy-based investigation of multiple liquefaction properties of sand subjected to different strain histories”, 19th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Seoul, Korea, Sept. 2017.