Kenji Watanabe/渡邉 健治

Professor in Department of Civil Engineering/教授(社会基盤学専攻)

Research Field/研究分野
Geotechnical Engineering, Soil Mechanics, Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering, Hydrogeotechnical Engineering/ 地盤工学、土質力学、地震地盤工学、水圏地盤工学

Seismic behavior of earth structure, Performance based design of earth structures, Scour and erosion, Effective compaction, Deformation and strength properties of geomaterials, Geosynthetic reinforced soil structure

1998: B. Eng., Univ. Tokyo/東京大学工学部土木工学科卒業
2000: M. Eng., Univ. Tokyo/東京大学大学院工学系研究科社会基盤工学専攻(修士課程)卒業

Work experience/職歴
2000-2007: Researcher, Railway Technical Research Institute (RTRI)/鉄道総合技術研究所 研究員
2007-2008: Engineer, JR West (West Japan Railway Company)/ JR西日本 京都工事所 施設管理係
2008-2012: Assistant Senior Researcher, RTRI/ 鉄道総合技術研究所 副主任研究員
2011-2018: Associate Professor (G), Tokyo University of Science/東京理科大学大学院 客員准教授
2012-2014: Senior Researcher, RTRI/ 鉄道総合技術研究所 主任研究員
2014-2015: Visiting Researcher, IFSTTAR (Institut Français des Sciences et Technologies des Transports, de l’Aménagement et des Réseaux ), France/フランス運輸整備ネットワーク科学技術研究所(IFSTTAR) 客員研究員
2016-2018: Laboratory Head, RTRI/ 鉄道総合技術研究所 研究室長
2018-2023; Associate Professor, University of Tokyo/東京大学大学院工学系研究科 准教授
2023-current; Professor, University of Tokyo/東京大学大学院工学系研究科 教授

Research Map/リサーチマップ(English/Japanese)

Badminton, Baseball, Marathon/バドミントン、野球、マラソン

Invitation to our lab./土質研に興味のある方へ


– January 2025
  The year 2025 has started. The 2024 Noto Peninsula earthquake caused many earth structures (road embankments, retaining walls) and slopes to collapse, and caused widespread liquefaction in residential areas. In addition, the tsunami caused damage to many dykes, seawalls and breakwaters. The damage was further increased by the torrential rains that hit the region in September. I visited the site nine times (for a total of 17 days) as part of the JGS (Japan Geotechnical Society) survey teams and classes. We need to seriously consider combined disasters such as major earthquakes+tsunami, major earthquakes+torrential rainfall.

Recently, I have felt particularly that many of the unsolved engineering problems that occur in civil engineering field are related to ‘soil’, ‘ground’ and ‘water’. Geotechnical engineering needs to develop in collaboration with other disciplines to solve them.

Generative AI has become widespread and the information gap due to language has reduced for non-English native researchers. We can now conduct our research more efficiently than before. At times like this, I would like to improve the ability to ‘discover new phenomena’ and ‘thinking power’ with my students, with regard to soil, ground and water.


– April 2023
  I joined the University of Tokyo in April 2018 from the Railway Technical Research Institute (RTRI), Japan. My research at RTRI mainly consisted of designing and constructing railway earth structures, such as embankments, earth cut, and geosynthetic reinforcement soil. I was highly aware that despite the high demands and expectations from society, there are several issues in the field of geotechnical engineering, especially the issues related to the natural hazards, such as severe earthquake and rainfall . Further, fully meeting these expectations has not yet been possible. There are several unexplained phenomena that are required to solve, and hence, more fundamental research and technical development is needed.

In addition, while working in France as a visiting researcher at IFSTTAR (2014-2015, currently Université Gustave Eiffel) and being involved in both Indian high-speed and freight railroad projects (2012-now), I realized that there are few Japanese engineers who demonstrate the following three abilities and diversity: (1) sufficient technical skills, especially in the field of geotechnical engineering; (2) minimum language and communication skills; (3) diversity in accepting cultures and values different from their own.

At the University of Tokyo, I am currently conducting fundamental research in the geotechnical engineering field, taking into account the practical needs of the society. I am aiming to produce engineers with the above-mentioned abilities. Additionally, our university accepts international students from several countries. Therefore, if you are interested, please feel free to visit our laboratory!

Recent research theme/最近の研究テーマ

– Characterizing pullout stiffness of geogrid considering the interaction with soil (Kameri Charan, 2023/3)
土との相互作用を考慮したジオグリッドの引抜き剛性に関する検討(Kameri Charan : 2024年3月卒業)(poster)

– Effective compaction method for utilizing low-grade material with non-plastic fines for railway embankment(Chowdepalli Bhargavi, 2023/3)
非塑性細粒分を含む低級盛土材料の鉄道盛土への有効活用のための効果的な締固め管理方法(Chowdepalli Bhargavi : 2023年3月卒業)(poster)

– Evaluating Critical State Line of Volcanic Ash Soil by Stacked-ring Shear Apparatus (Phyu Thiri Thwe: 2024/9)
  多層リングせん断試験機による火山灰土の限界状態線の評価(Phyu Thiri Thwe:2024年9月卒業)(poster)

– Low-grade Soil Materials with Non-plastic Fines as an Alternative Geomaterial for Embankment Structures (ROSAL Maria Demi Faye Quinto: 2024/9)
  盛土建設の代替材料としての非塑性細粒分を含む低級盛土材料の活用(ROSAL Maria Demi Faye Quinto:2024年9月卒業)(poster)

– Influence of suffusion and local scour caused by river flood on delayed displacement of bridge piers (Yoshihiro Nishio: 2024/3)

– Influence of sand pile material in SCP method on liquefaction characteristic of the surrounding ground (Yuto Kimura: 2024/3)

– Prediction of residual strength of soil at super large strain level using the stacked-ring shear apparatus(Islam Md Ariful: 2023/9)
  多層リングせん断試験機による超大ひずみ領域における土の残留強度の予測(Islam Md Ariful:2023年9月卒業)(poster)

– Establishment of a continuous measurement method using AE technology for particle crushing and deformation properties of volcanic soils (Naoki Tajima: 2023/3)

– Influence of local scour on destabilization of river bridge foundation during middle flooding (Souei Takezaki: 2023/3)

– Effects of Fines Content on Uplift Behavior of Underground Structures in Liquefied Ground (Santoso Fernaldy Sebastian: 2022/9)
  液状化地盤中の地下構造物の浮上がり挙動に及ぼす地盤の細粒分含有率の影響(Santoso Fernaldy Sebastian:2022年9月卒業)(poster) (video of shaking table test)

– The Effect of In-situ Cement-mixing Lattice wall on the Dynamic Behavior of Liquefiable Ground and Pile Foundation (Naoki Ninohira: 2022/3)

– Effect of Reinforcement & Wall Conditions on Deformation Characteristics of Geosynthetic Reinforced Soil Structures (Wataru Utaka: 2022/3)
  ジオシンセティックス補強土擁壁の鉛直繰り返し載荷に対する変形特性に関する研究(宇高 亘:2022年3月卒業)(poster)

– Evaluation of Suffusion Potential for Different gap-Graded soil Compositions and the Possibility of Delayed Scour (Naqi Ali: 2021/9)
  配合の異なるギャップグレード珪砂からの細粒分の吸出し現象および遅れ洗掘の発生可能性の評価(Naqi Ali:2021年9月卒業)(poster)

– Influence of local scouring phenomenon around the base ground caused by river flood on the resonance frequency of the pier (Wataru Arana: 2021/3)
  河川の増水・出水による基礎地盤の局所洗掘現象が橋脚の固有振動数に及ぼす影響(新名 航:2021年3月卒業)(poster)

– Shaking table tests on dynamic behavior of liquefiable ground and pile foundation reinforced by in-situ cement-mixing lattice wall (Wang Tengfei, 2020/9)

–  Effective compaction method for utilizing low quality banking material for railway embankment (Akshay Singh Rathore: 2020/9)
  鉄道盛土への低級盛土材料の有効活用のための効果的な締固め管理方法(Akshay Singh Rathore:2020年9月卒業)(poster)

– Shaking table test on two and three dimensional behavior of embankment on liquefiable ground (Zafar Avzalshoev: 2019/9)
  液状化地盤上の盛土の2次元・3次元挙動に関する 振動実験(Zafar Avzalshoev:2019年9月卒業)(poster)

– Response of pile foundation on liquefaction ground and its dynamic interaction with lattice wall ground improvement (Akio Shimizu, 2024/3)

– Influence of 3D shape of piers on progress of local scour around the foundation  (Hiroki Kosaka, 2024/3)

– Effect of anisotropic stress history on liquefaction resistance of sand with non-plastic fines: microscopic analysis using Discrete Element Method (DEM)  (Takumi Otsuka, 2024/3)
砂の液状化強度に及ぼす応力履歴と非塑性細粒分の影響 -個別要素法による微視的考察- (

– Effects of Underground Structures’ Specific Gravity on Uplift Behavior of Structures in Liquified Ground (Kazuma Kawamura, 2023/3)

– The effects of scour protection blocks on the destabilization process of pier (Junpei Koike, 2023/3)

–  Study on cyclic deformation characteristics and change in stiffness of suffused soil (Yuki Nishinaga, 2023/3)

-The examination of influencing factors on the deformation properties in cyclic loading of the suffused soil (Yoshihiro Nishio, 2022/3)
細粒分吸出し後の砂質土における繰返し変形特性を規定する要因の検討(西尾典紘、2022年3月卒業) (poster)

– Effect of particle crushing on strength and deformation characteristics of volcanic ash soil (Riku Tanaka, 2022/3)
火山灰質土の強度・変形特性に及ぼす粒子破砕の影響 (田中理久、2022年3月卒業)

-Analysis of large deformation characteristics of volcanic soil during earthquakes in Atsuma-town, Hokkaido with multiple-ring shear tests (Naoki Tajima, 2021/3)
多層リングせん断試験による北海道厚真町の火山灰土に生じた地震時大変形の考察(田島直樹、2021年3月卒業) (poster)

– Analysis of large deformation characteristics of volcanic soil in Atsuma-town, Hokkaido with stacked-ring shear tests (Tomoya Onodera, 2020/3)
多層リングせん断試験による地震時の火山灰質粘性土地盤の大変形特性の分析(小野寺智哉 、2020年3月卒業)  (poster)

– Influence of the riverbed material on the progress of the local scour around the river bridge pier foundation (Naoki Ninohira: 2020/3)
  河川橋脚基礎の洗掘現象に及ぼす河床材料の影響に関する検討(仁ノ平直樹:2020年3月卒業) (poster)

– Bearing capacity reduction of river bridge pier caused by local scour(Wataru Arana, 2019/3)
  出水により洗掘被害を受けた河川橋脚基礎の支持力低下特性の検討(新名 航:2019年3月卒業)(poster)

-Shaking table test simulating driving process of sand compaction pile (SCP) in liquefiable soil -Effect of SCP made from construction waste soil-  (Ryo Asatsuma: 2024/3)
締固め砂杭打設過程を模擬した液状化地盤模型の振動実験 ー建設発生土を模擬した砂杭材が改良効果に与える影響ー(朝妻涼:2024年3月)

-Research on an effective method to identify river bridge structures susceptible to local scour (Chizuru Shimakura: 2023/3)

-Influence of long duration of medium water level after severe flood and re-deposition of riverbed Materials on the stability of river bridge piers(Fumito Nakagawa: 2021/3)

-Application of Geosynthetic-Reinforced Soil Structures for Earthquake Mitigation and Disaster Prevention. (Wu, Chun-Wei, National Taiwan Univ.: 2024/9-2024/11)

-Computational fluid dynamic: Analyze of various complex shapes to reduce the scouring of bridge piers. (Alex Bounot, ENTPE, France: 2023/4-2023/8)


  • 平成11年12月 平成11年 JC-IGS論文奨励賞
  • 平成16年5月 平成15年度「土と基礎」年間優秀賞
  • 平成17年3月 地盤工学会研究奨励賞
    Behaviors of several types of model retaining walls subjected to irregular excitation(不規則波振動実験による各種擁壁模型の地震時挙動に関する研究)”、地盤工学会
  • 平成18年12月 平成18年 JC-IGS論文賞
  • 平成21年10月 国際会議若手優秀論文賞
    “Shaking table tests on seismic earth pressure under large earthquake loads(大地震時における地震時土圧に関する振動実験)”、地盤工学会
  • 平成22年4月 平成22年度文部科学大臣若手科学者賞
  • 平成23年1月 Best Geosynthetics International Papers for 2008 and 2009
    A new type of integral bridge comprising geosynthetic-reinforced soil walls(ジオテキスタイル補強土擁壁を用いた新しいインテグラル橋りょうについて)”、Geosynthetics International
  • 平成24年6月 平成23年度地盤工学会論文賞
    “Seismic earth pressure exerted on retaining walls under a large seismic load(大地震作用下において擁壁に作用する地震時土圧について)”、地盤工学会
  • 平成27年6月 第7回 日本鉄道技術協会 坂田記念賞 最優秀賞
  • 平成28年6月 平成27年度地盤工学会論文賞
    「擁壁の地震時変位量評価手法と鋼矢板による耐震補強効果の検証 ―兵庫県南部地震の被害事例を対象とした解析的検討―」、地盤工学会
  • 平成30年5月 平成29年度土木学会論文賞
  • 令和4年6月 令和3年度地盤工学会論文賞
    “Development of geosynthetic-reinforced soil embankment resistant to severe earthquakes and prolonged overflows due to tsunamis(大地震および長時間の津波越流に対して粘り強いジオシンセティックス補強盛土の開発)”、地盤工学会
  • 令和4年10月 土木学会田中賞選考委員会、令和4年度かけはし賞
  • 令和5年10月 Telford Premium Prize 2023
    “Three-dimensional dynamic behaviour of embankments on liquefiable ground”, 英国土木学会(ICE)
  • 令和6年6月 令和5年度「地盤工学会誌」年間優秀賞
    「地盤工学における模型実験 第3回 模型地盤作製技術」、地盤工学会
  • December 1999: Young Award from Japan Chapter of International Geosynthetics Society for the paper “Seismic stability of reinforced-soil retaining walls by tilting and shaking table tests” (in Japanese) co-authored with Koseki, J. et al.
  • May 2005: Young Award from Japanese Geotechnical Society for the paper “Behaviors of several types of model retaining walls subjected to irregular excitation” co-authored with Koseki, J. et al.
  • December 2006: Best Paper Award from Japan Chapter of International Geosynthetics Society for the paper “Extension of procedures to evaluate residual displacements of geogrid reinforced soil retaining wall with embedded sheet pile” (in Japanese) co-authored with Nakajima, S. and Koseki, J.
  • April 2010: The Young Scientists’ Prize, The Commendation for Science and Technology by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
  • January 2011: Best Paper from Geosynthetics International for the paper “A new type of integral bridge comprising geosynthetic-reinforced soil walls” co-authored with Tatsuoka, F. et al.
  • June 2012: Best Paper Award from Japanese Geotechnical Society for the paper “Seismic earth pressure exerted on retaining walls under a large seismic load” co-authored with Koseki, J. and Tateyama, M.
  • April 2015: Best Paper Award from Japan Railway Engineers’ Association (JREA) for the paper “The development of new railway embankment which can exhibit ductile behavior against earthquake and the following Tsunami attack” co-authored with Matsuura, K., Fujii K. and Kudo, A.
  • June 2016: Best Paper Award from Japanese Geotechnical Society for the paper “Study on effect of embedment of sheetpile for aseismic countermeasure of retaining wall, -Simulation on case histories during the 1995 Hyogoken-Nanbu earthquake-” (in Japanese) co-authored with Nakajima, S., Koseki, J. and Tateyama, M.
  • June 2018: Best Paper Award from Japanese Society of Civil Engineering for the paper “Development of aseismic countermeasure for masonry wall using failure prevention net and soil reinforcement” (in Japanese) co-authored with Nakajima, S., Koda, M, Fujiwara, T., Takasaki, H. and Ikemoto, H.
  • June 2022: Best Paper Award from Japanese Geotechnical Society for the paper “Development of geosynthetic-reinforced soil embankment resistant to severe earthquakes and prolonged overflows due to tsunamis” co-authored with Nakajima, S, Fujii, K., Matsuura,K., Kudo, A., Nonaka, K. and Aoyagi, Y.
  • October, 2023: Telford Premium Prize from British Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE) for the paper “Three-dimensional dynamic behaviour of embankments on liquefiable ground” co-authored with Zafar, A., Tomita, M.

List of Publications

  1. Watanabe, K., Munaf, Y., Koseki, J., Tateyama, M. and Kojima, K.: Behaviors of several types of model retaining walls subjected to irregular excitation, Soils and Foundations, Vol.43, No.5, pp.13-27, 2003.
  2. T.N. Lohani, L.Kongsukprasert, Watanabe, K., Tatsuoka, F.: Strength and Deformation Properties of Compacted Cement-mixed Gravel Evaluated by Triaxial Compression Tests, Soils and Foundations, Vol.44, No.5, pp.95-108, 2004.
  3. Watanabe, K., Koseki, J. and Tateyama, M.: Application of high speed digital CCD camera to observe dynamic deformation characteristics of sand, Geotechnical Testing Journal, ASTM, Vol.28, No.5, pp.423-435, 2005.
  4. Nakajima, S., Koseki, J., Watanabe, K. and Tateyama, M.: Study on resistant mechanism of aseismic countermeasure for GRS wall and leaning type retaining wall, Journal of GeoEngineering, Taiwan Geotechnical Society, Vol.3, No.3, pp.121-129, 2008.
  5. Nakajima, S., Koseki, J., Watanabe, K. and Tateyama, M.: A simplified procedure to evaluate earthquake-induced residual displacements of conventional type retaining walls, Soils and Foundations, Vol.49, No.2, pp.287-303, 2009.
  6. Tatsuoka, F., Hirakawa, D., Nojiri, M., Aizawa, H., Nishikiori, H., Soma, R., Tateyama, M. and Watanabe, K.: A new type of integral bridge comprising geosynthetic-reinforced soil walls, Geosynthtetics International, 16, No.4, pp.301-326, 2009.
  7. Shinoda, M. Watanabe, K., Kojima, K., Tateyama, M. and Horii, K.: Seismic stability of a reinforced-soil structure constructed after the mid-Niigata prefecture earthquake, Geosynthtetics International, 16, No.4, pp.274-285, 2009.
  8. Nakajima, S., Koseki, J., Watanabe, K. and Tateyama, M.: Simplified procedure to evaluate earthquake-induced residual displacements of geosynthetic-reinforced soil retaining walls, Soils and Foundations, Vol. 50, No. 5, pp.659-677, 2010.
  9. Koseki, J., Hong, K., Nakajima, S., Mulmi, S., Watanabe, K. and Tateyama, M.: Negative pore air pressure generation in backfill of retaining walls during earthquakes and its effect on seismic earth pressure, Soils and Foundations, Vol. 50, No. 5, pp.747-755, 2010.
  10. Watanabe, K., Koseki, J. and Tateyama, M.: Seismic earth pressure exerted on retaining walls under a large seismic load, Soils and Foundations, Vol. 51, No. 3, pp.379-394, 2011.
  11. Munoz, H., Tatsuoka, F., Hirakawa, D., Nishikiori, H., Soma, R., Tateyama, M. and Watanabe, K.: Dynamic stability of geosynthetic-reinforced soil integral bridge, Geosynthtetics International, 19, No.1, pp.11-38, 2012.
  12. Tatsuoka, F., Munoz, H., Kuroda, T., Nishikiori, H., Soma, R., Kiyota, T., Tateyama, M. and Watanabe, K.: Stability of existing bridges improved by structural integration and nailing, Soils and Foundations, Vol.52, No.3, pp.430-448, 2012.
  13. Taheri, A., Y. Sasaki, Y., Tatsuoka, F. and Watanabe, K.: Strength and deformation characteristics of cemented-mixed gravelly soil in multiple-step triaxial compression, Soils and Foundations, Vol.52, No.1, pp.126-145, 2012.
  14. Shinoda, M., Watanabe, K., Sanagawa, T., Abe, K., Nakamura, H., Kawai, T. and Nakamura, S.: Dynamic behavior of slope models with various slope inclinations, Soils and Foundations, Vol. 55, No.1, pp.127-142, 2015.
  15. Nakajima, S., Watanabe, K., Shinoda, M., Abe, K., Nakamura, S., Kawai, T. and Nakamura, H.: Consideration on evaluation of seismic slope stability based on shaking table model test, Japanese Geotechnical Society Special Publication, Vol. 2, No. 26, pp. 957-962, 2015.
  16. Kawabe,S., Kikuchi,Y., Watanabe, K. and Tatsuoka, F.: Model tests on the stability of GRS integral bridge against tsunami load, Japanese Geotechnical Society Special Publication, Vol. 2, No.68, pp. 2313-2318, 2016.
  17. Watanabe, K., Sawada, R. and Koseki, J.: Uplift mechanism of open-cut tunnel in liquefied ground and simplified method to evaluate the stability against uplifting, Soils and Foundations, Vol. 56, No. 3, pp.412-426, 2016.
  18. Watanabe, K., Nakajima, S., Fujii.K., Matsuura. K, Kudo.A., Nonaka, T. and Aoyagi, Y.: Development of geosynthetic-reinforced soil embankment resistant to severe earthquakes and prolonged overflows due to tsunamis, Soils and Foundations, Vol. 60, No. 6, pp.1371-1386, 2020,
  19. Shinoda, M., Nakajima, S., Watanabe, K., Nakamura, S. and Yoshida, I.: Practical seismic fragility estimation of unreinforced and reinforced embankments in Japan, Geosynthetics International, 2020.
  20. Abe, K., Murotani, K and Watanabe, K.: Development of MPM-MPS coupling method and numerical analysis of scouring of embankment caused by overflow, Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. A2 (Applied Mechanics), Vol.76, No.2, pp.l-205-l-216 2020.
  21. Watanabe, K., Nakajima, S., Fujiwara, T. Yoshii, K. and G. Venkatappa Rao: Construction and field measurement of high-speed railway test embankment built on Indian expansive soil “Black Cotton Soil”, Soils and Foundations, Vol. 61, No. 1, pp.218-238, 2021.
  22. Enomoto, T., Horikoshi, K., Ishikawa, K., Mori, H., Takahashi, A., Unno, T and Watanabe, K.: Levee damage and bridge scour by 2019 typhoon Hagibis in Kanto Region, Japan, Soils and Foundations, Vol. 61, No. 2, pp.566-585, 2021.
  23. Watanabe, K., Zafar, A., Tomita, M. and Nishikouri, K.: Three-dimensional dynamic behaviour of embankments on liquefiable ground, Géotechnique Letters, Volume 12, Vol. 1, pp. 1-5, March, 2022.
  24. Watanabe, K., Kojima, K. and Kudo, A.: Influence of cyclic load on pullout stiffness of geogrid embedded in well-graded gravel, Geosynthetics International, 2022.
  25. Matsuda, T., Kawajiri, S., Watanabe, Y. and Watanabe, K.: Investigation of river structures damaged at Chikuma river due to Typhoon No.19, October, 2019, Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Vol.10, pp.206-212, 2022.
  26. Shinoda, M., Nakajima, S., Watanabe, K., Nakamura, S., Yoshida, I. and Miyata, Y.: Practical seismic fragility estimation of Japanese railway embankments using three seismic intensity measures, Soils and Foundations, 62, No. 4, 2022.
  27. Chibana, T., Cuiocho, R. and Watanabe, K.: Role of Grain Size Distribution and Pier Aspect Ratio in Scouring and Sorting around Bridge Piers, Water, Special Issue Advances in Experimental Hydraulics, Coast and Ocean Hydrodynamics), 14(22), 2022.
  28. Shinoda, M., Yoshida, I., Watanabe, K., Nakajima, S., Nakamura, S. and Miyata, Y.: Seismic probabilistic risk estimation of Japanese railway embankments and risk-based design strength of soil and reinforcement, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Vol 163, 2022.
  29. Chowdepalli, B and Watanabe, K.: Empirical Equations Expressing the Effects of Measured Suction on the Compaction Curve for Sandy Soils Varying Fines Content, geotechnics, Vol.3, pp.760-780, 2023.
  30. Watanabe, K., Wang, T., Ishikawa, M., Iijima, M. and Mihira, S.: Dynamic behavior of liquefiable ground reinforced by in-situ cement-mixing lattice wall, Soils and Foundations, Vol. 63, 2023.
  31. Kameri, C. and Watanabe, K.:  Characterization of pullout stiffness of geogrid considering the interaction with soil, Geosynthetics Engineering Journal, Vol.38, pp.156-163, 2023.
  32. Nishio, Y and Watanabe, K.: Factors Influencing Suffusion-Induced Delayed Displacement of River Bridge Piers, Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 2024
  33. Chowdepalli, B, Rathore, A. S. and Watanabe, K.: Effect of compaction and moisture content on the deformation characteristics of unsaturated sandy soils varying fines content, International Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2024.
  34. Ali Naqi, Watanabe, K.: Effect of internal erosion on mechanical properties of different soil compositions and its impact on their cyclic response , Soils and Foundations, Vol. 65, Issue 1, 2025.
  • 渡辺健治, 古関潤一, 舘山勝, 小島謙一、Yulman Munaf:補強土擁壁の地震時安定性に関する傾斜・振動台実験、ジオシンセティックス論文集、第14巻、110-119、1999.
  • 渡辺健治, 古関潤一, 舘山勝, 小島謙一:補強土擁壁の地震時安定性に関する傾斜・振動台実験(その2) 、ジオシンセティックス論文集、第15巻、254-263、2000.
  • 渡辺健治、舘山勝、米澤豊司、青木一二三、古関潤一、龍岡文夫:模型振動実験による補強土橋台の耐震性の相互比較、ジオシンセティックス論文集、第16巻、53-60、2001.
  • 半井健一郎、篠田昌弘、渡辺健治、舘山勝、内村太郎、龍岡文夫:改良型プレストレス維持装置を用いたPL・PS補強土橋台の模型振動台実験、ジオシンセティックス論文集、第16巻、45-52、2001.
  • 加藤範久、渡辺健治、舘山勝、古関潤一:補強土擁壁の地震時挙動と擁壁変位モードの関係、ジオシンセティックス論文集、第17巻、27-32、2002.
  • 古関潤一、加藤範久、渡辺健治、舘山勝:補強土擁壁と重力式擁壁の地震時変位量の簡易計算手法、ジオシンセティックス論文集、第18巻、367-374、2003.
  • 内村太郎、龍岡文夫、青木一二三、米澤豊司、北野陽堂、舘山勝、渡辺健治、田村幸彦、枡尾孝之:セメント改良粒調砕石盛土中のジオグリッド補強材の引抜き試験、ジオシンセティックス論文集 第18巻、153-160、2003.
  • 古関潤一、渡辺健治:補強土擁壁と重力式擁壁の模型実験における地震時挙動の比較、ジオシンセティックス論文集、第19巻、197-204、2004.
  • 野尻峰広、相澤宏幸、平川大貴、錦織大樹、笹田泰雄、龍岡文夫、渡辺健治、舘山勝:模型振動台実験による各種橋梁形式の崩壊メカニズムの検討、ジオシンセティックス論文集、第21巻、159-166、2006.
  • 平川大貴、野尻峰広、相澤宏幸、錦織大樹、笹田泰雄、龍岡文夫、渡辺健治、舘山勝:新形式補強土橋梁の耐震性能に対する壁面工と補強材の定着強度の影響、ジオシンセティックス論文集、第21巻、167-174、2006.
  • 相澤宏幸、野尻峰広、平川大貴、錦織大樹、笹田泰雄、龍岡文夫、渡辺健治、舘山勝:補強・無補強盛土からなる各種橋梁形式の構造・工程及び性能の比較、ジオシンセティックス論文集、第21巻、175-182、2006.
  • 渡辺健治,松丸貴樹,水野進正,舘山勝,内村太郎:セメント改良礫土の曲げ特性に及ぼすジオグリッド補強材の効果,ジオシンセティックス論文集,ジオシンセティックス論文集,第21巻,229-236、2006.
  • 中島進、古関潤一、渡辺健治、舘山勝:矢板補強を有するジオグリット補強土擁壁の変位量計算手法の拡張, ジオシンセティックス論文集,ジオシンセティックス論文集,第21巻,247-254、2006.
  • 松丸貴樹、石塚真記子、舘山勝、小島謙一、渡辺健治、篠田昌弘:2004年新潟県中越地震で被災した鉄道盛土の概要と降雨浸透解析、ジオシンセティックス論文集、第21巻、187-194、2006.
  • 石塚真記子、松丸貴樹、渡辺健治、小島謙一、舘山勝、篠田昌弘:2004年新潟県中越地震で被災した鉄道盛土の動的応答解析、ジオシンセティックス論文集、第21巻、195-202、2006.
  • 堀井克己、舘山勝、小島謙一、渡辺健治、篠田昌弘、石塚真記子:2004年新潟県中越地震で被災した鉄道盛土の滑動変位量にもとづく復旧性能の評価、ジオシンセティックス論文集、第21巻、203-210、2006.
  • 松丸貴樹, 渡辺健治, 礒野純治, 舘山勝, 内村太郎:セメント改良礫土とジオグリッドを併用した軟弱地盤対策工、ジオシンセティックス論文集、第22巻、13-20、2007.
  • 渡辺健治,松丸貴樹,舘山勝:セメント改良礫土とジオグリッドを用いた液状化地盤上および軟弱地盤上の盛土構築方法,ジオシンセティックス論文集、第24巻、177-182、2009.
  • 龍岡文夫、舘山勝、平川大貴、渡辺健治、清田隆:GRS 一体橋梁の特徴と開発経緯、ジオシンセティックス論文集、第24巻、205-210、2009.
  • 相馬亮一, 龍岡文夫, 平川大貴, 野尻峯広, 相澤宏幸, 錦織大樹, 渡辺健治, 清田隆:盛土をジオグリッド補強したインテグラルブリッジの常時及び耐震性能に及ぼす構造諸条件の影響、ジオシンセティックス論文集、第24巻、211-218、2009.
  • Munoz Henry、龍岡文夫、舘山勝、渡辺健治:ジオシンセティックス補強盛土を活用した一体橋梁(GRS 一体橋梁)の耐震安定性、ジオシンセティックス論文集、第25巻、153-160、2010.
  • 田上和也、坂井公俊、室野剛隆、松丸貴樹、渡辺健治、神田政幸:盛土の滑動変形量算定のための設計地震動に関する検討、鉄道工学シンポジウム論文集、第15号、170-174、2011.
  • 渡辺健治、栗山亮介:粒度調整砕石内に敷設されたジオグリットの引抜剛性に関する実験的検討、ジオシンセティックス論文集、第27巻、113-120、2012.
  • 龍岡文夫、黒田哲也、山口晋平、川辺翔平、舘山 勝、渡辺 健治:GRS一体橋梁とNRS一体化橋梁の耐震性の振動台実験による検討、ジオシンセティックス論文集、第27巻、141-148、2012.
  • 窪田勇輝, 中島進, 佐々木徹也, 渡辺健治, 藤原寅士良, 高崎秀明, 橘内真太郎:崩壊防止ネットと地山補強材による石積み壁の補強方法に関する傾斜実験および振動台実験、ジオシンセティックス論文集、第28巻、213-220、2013.
  • 工藤敦弘、渡辺健治、栗山亮介:盛土内に敷設されたジオグリットの引抜特性に及ぼす繰り返し荷重の影響、ジオシンセティックス論文集、第28巻、9-16、2013.
  • 工藤敦弘、渡辺健治、藤井公博、松浦光佑、野中隆博、青柳悠大、菊池喜昭:津波による長時間の越流に対するジオシンセティックス補強盛土の安定性に関する小型模型実験、ジオシンセティックス論文集、第29巻、95-102、2014.
  • 中島進、渡辺健治、神田政幸、藤原寅士良、高崎秀明、池本宏文:崩壊防止ネットと地山補強材による既設石積み壁の補強方法の開発、土木学会論文集C、71、No.4、pp.317-334、2015.
  • 中島進、古関潤一、渡辺健治、舘山勝:擁壁の地震時変位量評価手法と鋼矢板による耐震補強効果の検証 –兵庫県南部地震の被害事例を対象とした解析的検討-、地盤工学ジャーナル、10、No.2、pp.235-251、2015.
  • 藤井公博、渡辺健治、松浦光佑、工藤敦弘、野中隆博、中島進:大地震および津波越流に粘り強く抵抗する盛土構造の開発、 鉄道工学シンポジウム論文集、第19号、29-36、2015
  • 中村晋、中島進、阿部慶太、渡辺健治、篠田昌弘:アンカー工により補強された斜面模型の振動実験による補強効果の検証、土木学会論文集C、73、No.1、pp.76-92、2017.
  • 中島進、篠田昌弘、渡辺健治、佐名川太亮、阿部慶太、河井正、中村晋:動的応答特性と崩壊挙動に着目した斜面の大型振動台実験、土木学会論文集C、73、No.1、pp.45-61、2017.
  • 小林貴瑠、菊池喜昭、兵動太一、柿原結香、二瓶泰雄、倉上由貴、渡辺健治、工藤敦弘:津波越流時の防潮堤の耐侵食性に及ぼすジオグリッドの敷設の影響、土木学会論文集B3、73、No.2、pp. I_366-I_371、2017.
  • 中島進, 長尾洋太, 成田浩明, 佐名川太亮, 阿部慶太, 渡辺健治, 篠田昌弘, 中村晋:グラウンドアンカーの補強効果に着目した急勾配斜面の大型振動台実験とNewmark法による検証解析、土木学会論文集C、74、No.1、pp.1-19、2018.
  • 中村晋、阿部慶太、渡辺健治、中島進:実験による崩壊土の流下挙動と衝撃作用の分析およびMPMによる再現解析、土木学会論文集C、74、No.3、pp.259-274、2018.
  • 渡邉健治、工藤敦弘、小島謙一、森川嘉之、高橋英紀、島田貴文、佐藤武斗:軟弱粘性土地盤上の腹付け盛土施工に対する安定性の高い対策工の検討、土木学会論文集C、74、No.4、pp.408-423、2018.
  • 中村晋、佐名川太亮、阿部慶太、渡辺健治、篠田昌弘、河井正:1G場での振動実験に基づく斜面模型の崩壊挙動の分析とNewmark法の適用性、土木学会論文集C、75、No.2、pp.167-183、2019.
  • 中島進, 工藤敦弘, 成田浩明, 渡邉健治:既設もたれ壁の耐震補強効果および設計手法に関する実験的研究、土木学会論文集C、75、No.3、pp.316-335、2019.
  • 松田朋也、川尻峻三、渡邊康玄、渡邉健治:令和元年東日本台風による千曲川の河川構造物の被災調査、土木学会論文集B1、76、No,1、pp.398-403、2020.
  • 日置和昭、中澤博志、沼倉桂一、若杉護、藤原照幸、渡邉健治、中川直: 技能試験にみられる地盤材料試験の現状と課題、地盤工学ジャーナル、15、No.4、pp.749-760、2020.
  1. Watanabe, K., Maeda, T., Kobayashi, Y. and Towhata, I.: Shaking table tests on seismic earth pressure exerted on retaining wall model, Proc. of the Second International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering, Vol.1, 297-302, Lisbon, 1999.
  2. Koseki, J., Hayano, K., Watanabe, K. and Huang, C.C.: Damage to retaining walls caused by the 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake and model tests on seismic behavior of retaining walls”, International Workshop on Annual Commemoration of Chi-Chi Earthquake, Vol. 3-Geotechnical Aspect, pp. 251-262, 2000.
  3. Watanabe, K., Tateyama, M., Kojima, K. and Koseki, J.: Irregular shaking table tests on seismic stability of reinforced-soil retaining walls, Landmarks in Earth Reinforcement, Ochiai et al. (eds.), Swets and Zeitlinger (Balkema), Vol.1, 489-494, 2001.
  4. Koseki, J., Watanabe, K., Tateyama, M. and Kojima, K.: Seismic earth pressures acting on reinforced-soil and conventional type retaining walls, Landmarks in Earth Reinforcement, Ochiai et al. (eds.), Swets and Zeitlinger (Balkema), Vol.1, pp.393-398, 2001.
  5. Watanabe, K., Tateyama, M., Yonezawa, T., Aoki, H., Tatsuoka, F. and Koseki, J.: Shaking table tests on a new type bridge abutment with geogrid-reinforced cement treated backfill, Proc. of 7th International Conference on Geosynthetics, Nice, Vol.1, pp.119-122, 2002.
  6. Koseki, J., Watanabe, K. Tateyama, M. and Kojima, K.: Comparison of model shaking test results on reinforced-soil and gravity type retaining walls, Proc. of 7th International Conference on Geosynthetics, Nice, Vol.1, pp.111-114, 2002.
  7. Nakarai,K., Uchimura,T., Tatsuoka,F., Shinoda,M., Watanabe, K. and Tateyama,M.: Seismic stability of geosynthetic-reinforced soil bridge abutment, Proc. of 7th International Conference on Geosynthetics, Nice, Vol.1, pp.249-252, 2002.
  8. Kato, N., Huang, C.C., Tateyama, M., Watanabe, K., Koseki, J. and Tatsuoka, F.: Seismic stability of several types of retaining walls on sand slope, Proc. of 7th International Conference on Geosynthetics, Nice, Vol.1, pp.237-240, 2002.
  9. Koseki, J., Tatsuoka, F., Watanabe, K., Tateyama, M., Kojima, K. and Munaf, Y.: Model tests on seismic stability of several types of soil retaining walls, Reinforced Soil Engineering, Ling, Leshchinsky and Tatsuoka (eds.), Dekker, pp.317-358, 2003.
  10. Watanabe, K., Tateyama, M., Jiang, G. L., Lohani, T. N. and Tatsuoka, F.: Strength characteristics of cement-mixed gravel evaluated by large triaxial compression tests, 3rd Int. Symp. on Deformation Characteristics of Geomaterials, pp.683-693, IS Lyon 03(Di Benedetto et al. eds.), 2003.
  11. Aoki, H., Watanabe, K., Tateyama, M. and Yonezawa, T. :Shaking Table Tests on Earthquake Resistant Bridge Abutment, Proc. of the 12th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Singapore, 2003.
  12. Lohani, T. N., Kongsukprasent, L., Watanabe, K. and Tatsuoka, F.: Strength and deformation characteristics of cement-mixed gravel for engineering use, 3rd Int. Symp. on Deformation Characteristics of Geomaterials, pp.637-643, IS Lyon 03 (Di Benedetto et al. eds.), 2003.
  13. Watanabe, K.: Behaviors of several types of model retaining walls subjected to large earthquake excitation, Taiwan-Japan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfall, Taipei, 2004.
  14. Koseki, J., Kato, N., Watanabe, K. and Tateyama, M.: Effects of subsoil and backfill conditions on seismic displacement of gravity type retaining walls, Cyclic Behaviour of Soils and Liquefaction Phenomena (Triantafyllidis, ed.), Balkema, 665-671, 2004.
  15. Koseki, J., Kato, N., Watanabe, K. and Tateyama, M.: Evaluation of seismic displacement of reinforced walls, Proc. of 3rd Asian Regional Conference on Geosynthetics, Seoul, pp.217-224, 2004.
  16. Koseki, J., Kato, N., Watanabe, K. and Tateyama, M.: Evaluation of seismic displacement of retaining walls considering subsoil and backfill conditions, Proc. of Japan-Europe Seismic Risk Workshop, Bristol, 2004.
  17. Watanabe, K., Tateyama, M., Yonezawa, T. and Aoki, H.: Strength characteristics and construction management of cement-mixed gravel, Proc. of the 16th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, pp.619-622, Osaka, 2005.
  18. Momoya, Y., Watanabe, K., Sekine, E., Tateyama, M., Shinoda, M. & Tatsuoka, F.: Effects of continuous principal stress axis rotation on the deformation characteristics of sand under traffic loads, Proc. of the 16th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, TC3 Workshop, Osaka, 2005.
  19. Aoki, H., Yonezawa, T., Tateyama, M., Shinoda, M. and Watanabe, K.: Development of aseismic abutment with geogrid-reinforced cement-treated backfills, Proc. of the 16th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, pp.1315-1318, Osaka, 2005.
  20. Watanabe, K., Tateyama, M., Uchimura, T., Yonezawa, T. and Aoki, H.: Pullout tests of geogrid embedded in cement-mixed gravel, Proc. of 8th International Conference on Geosynthetics. Yokohama, Vol.4, pp.1467-1470, 2006
  21. Nakajima, S., Koseki, J., Watanabe, K. and Tateyama, M.: Evaluation of allowable displacement of retaining walls by shaking table model tests, Proc. of International Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, HongKong, Vol.2, pp.1101-1106, 2006.
  22. Nakajima, S., Koseki, J., Watanabe, K., Tateyama, M. and Kato, N.: Shaking table model tests on geogrid reinforced soil retaining wall with embedded sheet pile, Proc. of 8th International Conference on Geosynthetics, Yokohama, Vol.4, pp.1507-1510, 2006.
  23. Watanabe, K., Tateyama, M. and Shinoda, M.: Statistical property of soil parameters for performance-based design of embankment, Proc. of the 13th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Kolkata, 2007.
  24. Nakajima, S., Koseki, J., Watanabe, K. and Tateyama, M.: Shaking table model tests on retaining walls with aseismic countermeasures, Proc. of 13th Asian Regional Conference of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Kolkata, Vol. 1, Part 2, pp.613-616, 2007.
  25. Koseki, J., Tateyama, M., Watanabe, K. and Nakajima, S.: Stability of earth structures against high seismic loads, Proc. of 13th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Kolkata, Vol. 2, pp. 222-241, 2007.
  26. Nakajima, S. Koseki, J. Tateyama, M. and Watanabe, K.: Shaking table model tests on retaining walls reinforced with soil nailings, Proc. of 5th Int. Sym. on Earth Reinforcement (IS Kyushu 2007), pp.707-712, 2007.
  27. Tatsuoka, F., Hirakawa, D., Nojiri, M. & Aizawa, H., Tateyama, M. and Watanabe, K.: A new type integral bridge comprising of geosynthetic-reinforced soil walls, Proc. of 5th Int. Sym. on Earth Reinforcement (IS Kyushu 2007), pp. 803-809, 2007.
  28. Aizawa, H., Nojiri, M., Hirakawa, D., Nishikiori, H., Tatsuoka, F., Tateyama, M. and Watanabe, K.: Validation of high seismic stability of a new type integral bridge consisting of geosynthetic–reinforced soil walls, Proc. of 5th Int. Sym. on Earth Reinforcement (IS Kyushu 2007), pp.819-825, 2007.
  29. Hirakawa, D., Nojiri, M., Aizawa, H., Nishikiori, H., Tatsuoka, F., Tateyama, M. and Watanabe, K.: Effects of the tensile resistance of reinforcement in the backfill on the seismic stability of GRS integral bridge, Proc. of 5th Int. Sym. on Earth Reinforcement (IS Kyushu 2007), pp.811-817, 2007
  30. Nakajima, S., Hong, K., Mulmi, S., Koseki, J., Watanabe, K. and Tateyama, M.: Model tests on seismic performance of reinforced soil retaining walls by using different geo-grids, International Workshop on Earthquake Hazards and Mitigations, Guwahati, India, pp.319-325, 2007.
  31. Momoya,Y., Watanabe, K., Sekine, E., Tateyama, M., Shinoda, M. and Tatsuoka, F.: Effects of continuous principal stress axis rotation on the deformation characteristics of sand under traffic loads, Proc. of the international workshop on design and construction of pavements and rail tracks–Geotechnical aspects and processed materials, pp.77-87, 2007
  32. Tatsuoka, F., Hirakawa, D., Nojiri, M., Aizawa, H., Tateyama, M. and Watanabe, K.: Integral Bridge with geosynthetic-reinforced backfill, the First Pan American Geosynthetics Conference & Exhibition, Cancun, Mexico, 1199-1208, 2008.
  33. Nakajima, S., Hong, K., Mulmi, S., Koseki, J., Watanabe, K. and Tateyama, M.: Study on seismic performance of geogrid reinforced soil retaining walls and deformation characteristics of backfill soil, 4th Asian Regional Conference on Geosynthetics, Shanghai, China, pp. 211-216, 2008.
  34. Matsumaru, T., Watanabe, K., Isono, J., Tateyama, M. and Uchimura, T.: Application of cement-mixed gravel reinforced by geogrid for soft ground improvement, Proc. of the 4th Asian Regional Conference on Geosynthetics, Shanghai, pp.380-385, 2008.
  35. Koseki, J., Tateyama, M., Watanabe, K. and Nakajima, S.: Geosynmthetic-reinforced soils in Japan and their seismic behavior, Keynote Lecture, Proc. of International Workshop on Contributions of Geotechnical Engineering to Sustainable Civil Constructions, Indonesian Society for Geotechnical Engineering, Bandung, pp.1-12, 2008.
  36. Watanabe, K.: Seismic earth pressure exerted on retaining wall model under large seismic load, Proc. of the 4th International Young Geotechnical Engineers Conference, pp.249-252, Alexandria, 2009.
  37. Watanabe, K. and Tateyama, M.: Shaking table tests on seismic earth pressure under large earthquake loads,Proc. of the 17th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, pp.530-533, Alexandria, 2009.(paper)
  38. Watanabe, K., Matsumaru, T., Isono, J., Mateyama, M. and Uchimura, T. : Soft Ground Improvement Method Using Cement-Mixed Gravel and Improved Ground Piles, Proc. of International Symposium on Deep Mixing & Admixture Stabilization, Okinawa, 2009.
  39. Koseki, J., Nakajima, S., Tateyama, M., Watanabe, K. and Shinoda, M.: Seismic performance of geosynthetic reinforced soil retaining walls and their performance-based design in Japan, of International Conference on Performance-Based Design in Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering – from case history to practice –, Tsukuba, pp.149-161, 2009.
  40. Shinoda, M., Watanabe, K., Kojima, K. and Tateyama, M.: Outline of performance-based design for railway earth structure in Japan, Proc. of International Conference on Performance-Based Design in Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering – from case history to practice –, Tsukuba, pp.137-148, 2009.
  41. Nakajima S., Koseki, J., Watanabe, K. and Tateyama, M.: Development of a procedure to evaluate earthquake induced residual displacements of geosynthetic reinforced soil retaining walls, Proc. of 9th International Conference on Geosynthetics, Brazil, pp.1727-1730, 2010 (paper)
  42. Koseki, J., Hong, K., Mulmi, S., Nakajima, S., Watanabe, K. and Tateyama, M.: Effects of negative pore air pressure in backfill soil on seismic behavior of geosynthetic-reinforced soil and conventional type retaining walls, Proc. of 9th International Conference on Geosynthetics, Brazil, pp.1671-1674, 2010.
  43. Tatsuoka, F., Nishikiori, H., Soma, R., Hirakawa, D. Kiyota, T., Tateyama, M. and Watanabe, K.: Development of a new bridge type, GRS integral bridge, Proc. of 9th International Conference on Geosynthetics, Brazil, pp.1659-1664, 2010.
  44. Watanabe, K. Matsumaru, T. and Tateyama, M.: Soft ground improvement method for railway embankment using cement-mixed gravel and geosynthetic, Proc. of 1st International Symposium on Railway Geotechnical Engineering (Georail 2011), Paris, pp.389-396, 2011
  45. Watanabe, K., Tateyama. M.: Seismic Design of Retaining Wall Considering the Dynamic Response Characteristic, Quarterly Report of RTRI, Vol.53, No.2, pp.87-92, 2012 (paper)
  46. Abe, K., Shinoda, M., Watanabe, K., Sanagawa, T., Nakajima, S., Nakamura, S., Kawai,, T., Murata, M. & Nakamura, H.: Numerical simulation of landslides after slope failure using MPM with SYS Cam-clay model in shaking table tests, Proc. of 15th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (15WCEE), Paper N.1999, Lisboa, 2012
  47. Tatsuoka, F., Tateyama, M. and Watanabe, K.: Dynamic performance of geosynthetic-reinforced soil integral bridges, GeosyntheticsAsia2012, 5th Asian Regional Conference on Geosynthetics, Bangkok, 2012 (paper)
  48. Watanabe, K. and Koseki, J.: Seismic design of retaining wall considering the dynamic response characteristic, Proc. of 18th ICSMGE, Paris, pp.1651-1654, 2013 (paper)
  49. Watanabe, K.: Railway transition zone and application of geosynthetic-reinforced soil structures, Proc. of 10th World Congress on Railway Research, WCRR, Sydney, 2013.
  50. Yazaki, S., Tatsuoka, F., Tateyama, M., Koda, M., Watanabe, K. and Duttine, A.: Seismic design of GRS integral bridge, International Symposium on Design and Practice of Geosynthetic-Reinforced Soil Structures, Bologna (Ling et al., eds.), pp.142-156, 2013 (paper)
  51. Kawabe, S., Tatsuoka, F., Kuroda, T., Yamaguchi, S., Matsumaru, T., Watananbe, K. and Koda, M. (2013): Seismic stability of geosynthetic-reinforced soil integral bridge evaluated by shaking table test, International Symposium on Design and Practice of Geosynthetic-Reinforced Soil Structures, Oct. 2013, Bologna (Ling et al., eds.), pp.126-133.
  52. Tatsuoka, F., Tateyama, M., Koda, M., Watanabe, K., Koseki, J., Aoki, H. and Yonezawa, T.: Design, construction and performance of GRS structures for railways in Japan, Proc. of10th International Conference on Geosynthetics, Berlin, 2014.
  53. Watanabe, K.: Le Shinkansen : réseau ferroviaire Japonais à grande vitesse et ouvrages de Génie Civil (English Title: The Shinkansen: The Japanese high speed railway through the technical history of civil engineering structure), Conférence “THINK AND BUILT”, Ecole des Ponts ParisTech, Paris, 2015
  54. Watanabe, K., Matsuura, K., Fujii K. and Kudo, A.: The development of new railway embankment which can exhibit ductile behavior against earthquake and the following Tsunami attack, Journal of Japan Railway Engineers’ Association (JREA), No.190, pp.9-12, 2015.
  55. Kawabe, S., Kikuchi, Y., Watanabe, K. and Tatsuoka, F. : Model tests on the stability of GRS integral bridge against tsunami load, Proc. of 15th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Fukuoka, 2015
  56. Watanabe, K. and Tateyama, M.: General overview of experimental studies on seismic stability of geosynthetic reinforced soil structures and recent research activity, Keynote Lecture of 6th Asian Regional Conference on Geosynthetics, pp.KN3-KN16, New Delhi, 2016.
  57. Watanabe, K., Sato, T., Kudo, A., Shimada, T., Morikawa, Y. and Takahashi, H.: Proposal of Constructional Countermeasures for the Widening of Embankments with a Focus on Their High Stability, Quarterly Report of RTRI, Vol.57, No.3, pp183-190, 2016 (paper)
  58. Lachaussée, F., D. Pham Van Bang, Vidal, V., Chevalier, C., Ndoye, , Szymkiewicz, F., Minatchy, C., Martineau, F. and Watanabe, K.: Overflow erosion on mixed kaolin-sand embankments, Proc. of 8th International Conference on Scour and Erosion, pp.653-657, 2016.
  59. Watanabe, K. and Koseki, J.: The effect of seismic stability of retaining wall on seismic earth pressure, Proc. of 16th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, 16WCEE, Paper N.1432, Santiago, 2017 (paper)
  60. Watanabe, K., Nakajima, S. Fujii K., Matsuura, K., Kudo, A. and Nonaka. T.: Development of railway embankment resistant to severe earthquakes and prolonged overflows caused by Tsunami, Proc. of 19th ICSMGE, Seoul, pp.2937-2940, 2017 (paper)
  61. Tatsuoka, F., Furusawa, S., Kataoka, T., Watanabe, K., N. Lohani and Kawabe, S.: Strength and stiffness of compacted cement-mixed gravelly soil controlled by the degree of compaction and the degree of saturation, Proc. of 19th ICSMGE, Seoul, pp.1253-1256, 2017 (paper)
  62. Miyata, Y., Watanabe, K. and Fujita, T.: Seismic design of reinforced soil walls in Japan: A case study on the 2016 Kumamoto earthquake, Proc. of the 11th International Conference on Geosynthetics, Korea, 2018
  63. Kuwano, J., Mohri, Y., Kikuchi, Y., Nihei, Y., Koseki, J. and Watanabe, K.: Geosynthetics for natural disaster prevention and mitigation -Japanese challenge-, Proc. of the 11th International Conference on Geosynthetics, Korea, 2018
  64. Tatsuoka, F., Soma, R., Nishikiori, H., Watanabe, K, and Hirakawa, D.: High seismic performance of GRS integral bridge with approach fills of geogrid-reinforced cement-mixed gravelly soil, Proc. of the 11th International Conference on Geosynthetics, Korea, 2018 (paper)
  65. Baboz, E., Watanabe, K. and Koseki, J.: 1-g shaking table test study of the impact of repeated liquefactions, Proc. of the Seventh International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering, Rome, 2019 (paper)
  66. Takayanagi, T., Naito, N., Sanagawa, T., Durand E., Davi, D., Chevalier, C., Cheetam, M. and Watanabe, K.: Scour risk management at bridges – A comparison of Japanese and French scoring methodologies-, Proc. of 12th World Congress on Railway Research (WCRR), Tokyo, 2019
  67. Ali Naqi and Watanabe, K.: Evolution of change in stiffness of different gap graded soil compositions subjected to internal erosion, Proc. of the 2nd ZHITU Symposium on Advances in Civil Engineering, UNIST, Ulsan, South Korea, 2021.
  68. Tajima, N., Onodera, T., Watanabe, K. and Kyokawa, H.: Strength Properties of Volcanic Ash Soil Collected from a Large-Scale Slope Failure Site in Hokkaido, 3rd International Symposium on Risk Assessment and Sustainable Stability Design of Slopes, Sendai, JAPAN, 2022
  69. Watanabe, K., Kyokawa, H., Onodera, T. Koseki, J. and Aoyagi, Y.: Evaluation of residual strength characteristics of reconstituted volcanic soil at Atsuma town, Hokkaido with stacked-ring shear tests, Proc. of the 20th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Sydney, Australia, 2022 (paper)   Video (in English)
  70. Chowdepalli, B. and Watanabe, K.: Effect of cyclic loading on the response of an unsaturated railway embankment, Proc. of the 5th International Conference on Railway Technology, RAILWAYS 2022, Montpellier, France, 2022
  71. Watanabe, K. and Kojima.K.: Seismic performance of geosynthetic reinforced soil bridge abutments, Proc. of 7th Asian Regional Conference on Geosynthetics, Geoasia2022, Taiwan, 2022 Video (in English)
  72. Chowdepalli, B, and Watanabe, K.: Comparative study on suction obtained using the membrane filter method from triaxial apparatus and pressure plate apparatus, Proc. of 8th International Symposium on Deformation Characteristics of Geomaterials (IS-Porto), Porto, 2023 (paper)
  73. Takezaki, S., Watanabe, K. and Shimakura, C.: Experimental Study on the effect of grain size distribution of bed materials on destabilization of a river pier caused by local scouring, Proc. of 11th International Conference on Scour and Erosion, Copenhagen, 2023 (paper)
  74. Watanabe, K., Nakagawa, F., Sanagawa, T. and Chevalier, C.: Hydraulic model test on destabilization process of river bridge pier caused by local scours, Proc. of 11th International Conference on Scour and Erosion, Copenhagen, 2023 (paper)
  75. Takezaki, S. and Watanabe, K.: Effect of grain size distribution of bed materials on destabilization of a river pier due to local scour, Proc. of 2nd International Conference on Construction Resources for Environmentally Sustainable Technologies, CREST2023, Fukuoka, 2023.
  76. Santoso, F. and Watanabe, K.: Effects of fines content on uplift behavior of underground structures in liquefied ground, Proc. of 8th International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering, 8ICEGE, Osaka, 2024 (paper)
  77. Shimura, N., Nitta T., Watanabe, K. and Iijima, M.: Shaking table test on seismic behavior of back-to-back mechanically stabilized earth walls, Proc. of 8th International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering, 8ICEGE, Osaka, 2024 (paper)
  1. Tatsuoka, F., Tateyama,M., Aoki, H. and Watanabe, K.: Bridge abutment made of cement mixed gravel backfill, Ground Improvement, Case Histories, Elsevier Geo-Engineering Book Series, Vol. 3 (Indradratna & Chu eds.), pp.829–873, 2015.

  2. Tatsuoka, F. and Watanabe, K.: Design, construction and performance of GRS structures for railways in Japan, Ground Improvement Case Histories- Compaction, Grouting and Geosynthetics (buddhima Indraratna et al., ed), Elsevier, pp.657-692, 2015.


  1. 新しい補強土擁壁のすべて -盛土から地山まで-,総合土木研究所,2005.10(共著者:龍岡文夫ほか、担当:第I編第4章4.4 pp.111-123、第8章8.2.4 pp.193-203)
  2. 地山補強土工法 設計・施工マニュアル、公益社団法人地盤工学会、2011.8(共著者:舘山勝ほか、担当:第5章5.8 pp.92-95)
  3. 土と基礎の計算演習書、公益社団法人地盤工学会、2017.7(共著者:西垣誠ほか、担当:第5章5.1~5.4 pp.164-182)
  4. 土工構造物における性能設計の実務と展望、性能設計・土工技術検討会、2021.9(共著者:三木博史ほか、担当:第3章、第7章


  1. 鉄道構造物等設計標準・同解説(土留め構造物)、鉄道総合技術研究所、2014.1(担当:第1~8章 pp.1-186)
  2. 鉄道構造物等設計標準・同解説(耐震標準)、鉄道総合技術研究所、2014.9(担当:第12~13章pp.165-184)
  3. 鉄道構造物等設計標準・同解説(土構造物)、鉄道総合技術研究所、2007.1(担当:第2章2.7-2.9 pp.47-62)
  4. 鉄道構造物等設計標準・同解説 設計計算例 盛土補強土擁壁、2017.
  5. 鉄道構造物等設計標準・同解説 設計計算例 切土補強土擁壁、2017.
  6. 鉄道構造物等設計標準・同解説 設計計算例 抗土圧擁壁、2017.
  7. 鉄道構造物等設計標準・同解説 設計計算例 盛土・切土、2017.
  • 舘山勝、古関潤一、渡辺健治:擁壁に作用する大地震時に対応した新しい地震時土圧、基礎工、29、No.4、pp.17-20、2001.
  • 古関潤一、舘山勝、渡辺健治:擁壁,補強土擁壁の耐震性に関する実験的検討、基礎工、29、No.4、pp.13-16、2001.
  • 渡辺健治、舘山勝、青木一二三、米澤豊司:セメント改良アプローチブロックを有する耐震性橋台に関する模型振動実験、鉄道総研報告、第16巻、第3号、25-30、2002.
  • 渡辺健治、舘山勝:画像解析システムを用いた模型擁壁実験に関する考察、鉄道総研報告、第17巻第3号、19-24、2003.
  • 西岡英俊、渡辺健治、斎藤正人、村田修、川上英二:インテリジェントマテリアルを利用した基礎構造物の損傷検知手法の提案、土と基礎、 51、No. 11、pp.17-19、2003.
  • 渡辺健治画像解析システムによる地盤の破壊現象の可視化、可視化情報学会誌、第24巻92号、10-16、(社)可視化情報学会、2004.
  • 舘山勝、青木一二三、米澤豊司、篠田昌弘、渡辺健治:耐震性に優れたセメント改良補強土橋台の開発、鉄道総研報告、第18巻、第4号、29-34、2004.
  • 渡辺健治、大木基裕、篠田昌弘、小島謙一、舘山勝:盛土の安定性照査に用いる設計強度定数に関する三軸圧縮試験、鉄道総研報告、第19巻、第3号、29-34、2005.
  • 澤田亮、渡辺健治:液状化時の開削トンネルの浮き上がりに関する模型振動実験、鉄道総研報告、第19巻、第3号、41-46、2005.
  • 渡辺健治、舘山勝:地震時土圧の大きさに及ぼす擁壁の支持条件の影響、鉄道総研報告、第20巻第5号、41-46、2006.
  • 渡辺健治:高速度カメラを用いた画像解析システムによる模型地盤の破壊現象の可視化、地盤工学会誌、56、No.10、pp.24-25、2008.
  • 渡辺健治:セメント改良礫土を用いた軟弱地盤上への盛土構築方法、土木施工、50、No.7、pp.17-21、2009.
  • 渡辺健治、舘山勝:セメント改良礫土の締固めと鉄道構造物への適用、基礎工、37、No.7、pp.55-58、2009.
  • 渡辺健治:知っておきたい土・地盤・基礎設計のキーワード(補強土、地盤アンカー、矢板系土圧構造物)、建築技術、126、2009.
  • 中島進、渡辺健治、榎本忠夫、佐々木哲也、古関潤一:補強土壁工法に関する振動実験と性能評価、基礎工、38、No.2、2010.
  • 山田孝弘、渡辺健治:鉄道複線化工事におけるグラウンドアンカー併用切土施工、基礎工、38、No,9、pp.47-49、2010.
  • 渡辺健治セメント改良礫土を用いた軟弱地盤上の盛土構築方法、第230回鉄道総研月例発表会講演要旨、、2010
  • 渡辺健治,西岡英俊,神田政幸,古関潤一:動的応答特性の違いを考慮した擁壁および橋台の耐震設計法、鉄道総研報告,第25巻、第9号、31-38、2011.
  • 渡辺健治,澤田亮,舘山勝,古関潤一:周辺地盤の液状化による開削トンネルの浮上がり量の評価法、鉄道総研報告,第25巻、第9号、45-50、2011.
  • 松尾修、渡辺健治:土構造物の耐震診断と対策 地震による土構造物の被災形態、地盤工学会誌、pp.39-45、Vol.59、No.4、2011.
  • 渡辺健治、栗山亮介、西岡英俊、神田政幸:セメント改良補強土橋台の耐震設計法と性能照査例、鉄道総研報告、第26巻、第11号、41-46、2012.
  • 中島進、阿部慶太、渡辺健治、篠田昌弘:既設鉄道擁壁の耐震補強技術の開発に関する取り組み、地盤工学会誌、61、No.1、pp.10-13、2013.
  • 中島進、篠田昌弘、渡辺健治、阿部慶太、佐名川太亮:規模の異なる振動台実験による自然斜面の地震時安定性評価、鉄道総研報告、第27巻、第6号、5-12、2013.
  • 渡辺健治、舘山勝、海原卓也:鉄道盛土における地盤の液状化対策事例、基礎工、41、No.4、pp.36-39、2013.
  • 神田政幸、渡辺健治、西岡英俊:土留め標準の概要と改訂のポイント、基礎工、41、No.5、pp.23-29、2013.
  • 渡辺健治、三平伸吾:抗土圧擁壁の設計法と試設計例、基礎工、41、No.5、pp.74-77、2013.
  • 山田康裕、渡辺健治:補強土擁壁の設計法と試設計例、基礎工、41、No.5、pp.78-82、2013.
  • 栗山亮介、渡辺健治:補強土橋台の設計法と試設計例、基礎工、41、No.5、pp.87-90、2013.
  • 渡辺健治動的な地盤の変形・破壊挙動を捉える実験技術、第269回鉄道総研月例発表会講演要旨、2013、
  • 渡辺健治:動的な変形・破壊挙動を捉える模型実験技術、地盤工学会誌、62、No.9、pp.20-23、2014.
  • 中島進、篠田昌弘、渡辺健治、阿部慶太:斜面の崩壊メカニズムを探る、RRR、Vol.71、No.5、2014年5月号
  • 武内陽子、渡辺健治、羽山和紀、布川修、福村直登、早勢祥子:重要インフラの災害対策に関する調査-大規模災害時における鉄道のレジリエンスを向上させるために-、オペレーションズ・リサーチ、日本オペレーションズ・リサーチ学会、453-459、2014年8月号、
  • 渡辺健治、松浦光佑、藤井公博、工藤敦弘:大地震および長時間の津波越流に対して粘り強い鉄道盛土構造の開発、JREA(日本鉄道技術協会誌)、57、No.11、2014.
  • 工藤敦弘、渡辺健治、島田貴文、佐藤武斗、森川嘉之、高橋英紀:軟弱地盤上の腹付け盛土に対する安定性の高い対策工の提案、鉄道総研報告、第29巻、第10号、29-34、2015.
  • 渡辺健治、藤井公博、松浦光佑、工藤敦弘、野中隆博、中島進:大地震及び津波越流に粘り強く抵抗するジオシンセティックス補強土、地盤工学会誌、64、No.3、pp.8-11、2016.
  • 渡辺健治、中島進、藤井公博、工藤敦弘、松浦光佑:粘り強い鉄道盛土構造で大地震と長時間の津波越流に耐える、RRR、Vol.73、No.3、2016年3月号
  • 松丸貴樹、渡辺健治、小島謙一:鉄道盛土の耐震補強マニュアル (特集 鉄道の耐震化技術)、基礎工、45、No.12、pp.36-38、2017.
  • 渡邉健治、佐名川太亮、高柳剛:豪雨時における河川橋脚基礎の洗掘問題と他分野とのコラボレーション、地盤工学会誌、67、No.3、pp.20-23、2019.
  • 中島進、吉井恭一郎、藤原寅士良、渡邉健治:インドの膨張性地盤における盛土試験施工、基礎工、47、No.10、pp.64-67、2019.
  • 中村宏、渡邉健治、中島進、浜崎直行:既設土留め擁壁の耐震補強における補強土擁壁工法の活用、地盤工学会誌、67、No.11/12、pp.22-25、2019.
  • 渡邉健治:最近の基礎構造物・土構造物の豪雨災害の特徴と対策、基礎工、48、No.6、pp.11-14、2020.
  • 渡邉健治:フランスにおける補強土壁の動向と日本の補強土工法の海外展開、基礎工、48、No.8、pp.10-13、2020.
  • 中川文人、渡邉健治:出水後の中規模水位の継続および河床材料の再堆積が河川橋脚の安定性に及ぼす影響、日本鉄道施設協会誌、60, No.4, pp.295-298、2022
  • 渡邉健治:局所洗掘による河川橋梁基礎の不安定化および「遅れ洗掘」の発生メカニズム、基礎工、50、No.6、pp.14-19、2022.
  • 渡邉健治:地震時土圧、基礎工、50、No.7、pp.44-47、2022.
  • 渡邉健治:講座 擁壁の耐震設計の基礎と応用 第1回 講座を始めるにあたって、地盤工学会誌、71、No.4、pp.73-74、2023.
  • 渡邉健治:講座 擁壁の耐震設計の基礎と応用 第7回 講座を終えるにあたって、地盤工学会誌、71、No.9、pp.60-61、2023.
  • 平川大貴、谷本俊輔、渡邉健治、高橋英紀、西岡英俊、伊藤和也:講座 地盤工学における模型実験 第3回 模型作成技術、地盤工学会誌、71、No.11、pp.46-58、2023.
  • 知花武佳、溝口敦子、渡邉健治:【座談会】流域治水と交通、(一社)計画・交通研究会 会報11月号、pp.6-10, 2003.
  • 渡邉健治、平川大貴、上野勝利:講座 地盤工学における模型実験 第6回 各論 土構造物、地盤工学会誌、72、No.2、pp.45-55、2024.
  • 渡邉健治:能登半島地震による土構造物の被害と教訓、基礎工、52、No.12、pp.18-23、2024.
  • 渡邉健治、川尻峻三、工代健太、志賀正崇、兵動太一、松田達也:地震・津波の複合外力による地盤構造物の被災、地盤工学会誌、73、No.1、pp.18-22、2025.

Lecture / Seminar

  • Watanabe, K.: Railways and natural hazards in Japan, Keynote lecturer of 1st International Symposium on Railway Geotechnical Engineering (GeoRail 2011), Paris, 2011. (Keynote lecture)
  • Watanabe, K.: History of railway structures in Japan and recent construction cost reduction technique from geotechnical aspect, International seminar on low cost railway infrastructures, Seoul, Korea Railroad Research Institute (KRRI), Korea, 2012. (Invited lecture)
  • Watanabe, K.: Railway transition zone and application of geosynthetic-reinforced soil structures, Workshop of Geotechnical Challenges in Rail Track and its Transition Zones, 2nd International Conference on Transportation Geotechnics (IS-Hokkaido 2012), Sapporo, 2012.(Invited lecture)
  • Watanabe, K.: Le Shinkansen : réseau ferroviaire Japonais à grande vitesse et ouvrages de Génie Civil (English Title: The Shinkansen: The Japanese high speed railway through the technical history of civil engineering structure), Ecole des Ponts ParisTech, Paris, 2015/6 (Invited lecture) Presentation Slides
  • Watanabe, K.: History of modern railway and development of Geosynthetics Reinforced-soil Structure for the Japan Railway, Workshop of Geosynthetic Reinforced Soil Structure, The Department of Transportation and The North-South Commuter Railway Design Team, Philippines, 2016. (Invited lecture)
  • Watanabe, K.: Development of Geosynthetics Reinforced-soil Structure for the Japan Railway, International Geosynthetics Society, TC-Soil Reinforcement Workshop, Edinburgh, 2015. (Invited lecture)
  • Watanabe, K. and Tateyama, M.: General overview of experimental studies on seismic stability of geosynthetic reinforced soil structures and recent research activity, Keynote Lecture of 6th Asian Regional Conference on Geosynthetics, pp.KN3-KN16, New Delhi, 2016. (Keynote lecture)
  • Watanabe, K. and Nakajima, S.: Recent Geosynthetic Reinforced Soil Structure in Japan, Meeting on Technology of Geosynthetic Reinforced Soil (GRS) Structures in Japan, DFCCIL, Delhi, 2017. (Invited lecture)
  • Watanabe, K.: History of Japanese railway and Development of Geosynthetics Reinforced-soil Structure, Theme Lecturer at UK Chapter of the International Geosynthetic Society (Use of Geosynthetics in Rail: Towards 2025) , 2018/4  (Invited lecture) Presentation Slides
  • Kuwano, J., Mohri, Y., Kikuchi, Y., Nihei, Y., Koseki, J. and Watanabe, K.: Geosynthetics for natural disaster prevention and mitigation -Japanese challenge-, of the 11th International Conference on Geosynthetics, Korea, 2018. (Keynote lecture)
  • Watanabe, K. and Kojima.K.: Seismic performance of geosynthetic reinforced soil bridge abutments, 7th Asian Regional Conference on Geosynthetics (Geoasia2022), Taiwan, 2022. (Invited lecture)  Presentation Video
  • Development of Geosynthetics Reinforced-soil Structure for Japanese high-speed bullet train “Shinkansen”, iGrip2020 (Initiative for Geotechincial Research & Innovative Practices), Indian Institute of Technology (Gandhinagar), 2020/6 Presentation Slides
  • RRR工法の海外展開に向けた課題、RRR工法協会特別講演2021/2  Video(in Japanese)
  • Key issues for developing GRS structures for Indian railway iGrip2021, (Initiative for Geotechincial Research & Innovative Practices), Indian Institute of Technology (Gandhinagar) ,2021/8  Presentation Slides
  • 盛土の性能施工-日仏の施工管理手法の比較から-、インフラ構造物の最新技術に関するWeb講習会、2022/3 Presentation Slides
  • History and Development of Geosynthetics Reinforced soil Structure for the Japan railway, 2022/6  Video(in English)
  • 能登半島地震からの復興・今後の地震防災に向けた社会基盤学の役割、東京大学工学部社会基盤学科 進学ガイダンス 基調講演(2024/5/2) Video(in Japanese)


・ 「鉄道信号システム、及び鉄道信号制御方法」(特許第3888626号、2006.12、主発明者)
・ 「構造物外力検知装置、及び構造物の外力検知方法」(特許第4039867号、2007.11、主発明者)
・ 「構造物外力検知装置、及び構造物の外力検知方法」(特許第4039868号、2007.11、主発明者)
・ 「構造物外力検知装置、及び構造物の外力検知方法」(特許第4076779号、2008.8、単独発明)
・ 「構造物外力検知装置、及び構造物の外力検知方法」(特許第4039964号、2007.11、発明者の一人)
・ 「構造物外力検知装置、及び構造物の外力検知方法」(特許第4039965号、2007.11、発明者の一人)
・ 「緊張材により鉛直圧縮力を加えた盛土構造物及びその構築方法」(特許第4107429号、2008.4、発明者の一人)
・ 「橋梁改築に伴う橋台の構築方法」(特許第4167149号、2008.8、発明者の一人)
・ 「橋梁の構築工法およびその橋梁構造物」(特許第4863268号、2011.11、発明者の一人)
・ 「軟弱地盤上への盛土の構築方法及びその盛土構造物」(特許第4874739号、2011.12、主発明者)
・ 「地中構造物近傍の地盤改良方法」(特許第5051752号、2012.8、発明者の一人)
・ 「軟弱地盤上への盛土の構築方法及びその盛土構造物」(特許第5318918号、2013.7、主発明者)
・ 「液状化による地中構造物の浮上がり防止方法」(特許第5382900号、2013.10、発明者の一人)
・ 「コンクリート構造物と補強地盤との一体化構造および一体化方法(特許第5689357号、2015.2、発明者の一人)
・ 「擁壁の耐震補強工法」(特許第5977177号、2016.7、発明者の一人)
・ 「地山の安定性の評価方法、及び切土工事の情報化施工方法」(特許第5649436号、2014.11、単独発明)
・ 「腹付盛土のための軟弱地盤改良工法」(特許第6631944号、2019.12、主発明者)

Recent research activities


The University of Tokyo
135, 1F, Faculty of Engineering Building 1,
7-3-1, Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, 113-8656, JAPAN
Telephone: +81.3.5841.6137

Email: watanabe(atmark)